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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

99 Balloons

Just saw this video on Oprah. I know a few of you (coughShannonChristinecough) who will cryyy cry cryyy. Just warning you.


  1. oh. my. goodness. that was so precious. i'm watching it with amy wells, and when he said, "Dear Eliot, today, you went to be with Jesus." Amy and I both gasped.

    whoa. so so precious. and you're right. I did cry.

  2. ooh i love this video.. i saw it a while back when one of my friends showed it to me. and then i saw it on oprah yesterday too!! there is a special place in my heart for all trisomy babies - especially since so many of their parents run blogs about it. it's so sweet. but i'm super glad that they have been blessed with a big bro or big sis for Eliot! woohoo!!!
