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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stitches II

Yes, I am being patient and taking my time with the quilt. 

But I kinda finished sewing the four squares and the border together. 

I worked basically from 10 in the morning until rightnow.  Just had a break for lunch and Jarred and I went out to dinner.  Then it was back to sewing. 

I dunno.  I just kept working.  Listened to music.  I was in a zone.

I can't wait to get the batting and get the back sewn.  And then I'll have fun with the actual quilting.  I'm still thinking the quilt will take me a few weeks to do because I certainly won't be working on it everyday like I did today.

So wanna see some pictures?  Good!

These photos were taken in less-than-favorable lighting, but I still think they're good.  Jarred took them after all!

 Gotta be comfy while I craft!  Jammie pants are a must.  

 Getting ready to take it to the sewing machine!

 Some of my favorite squares

 First part down!  Pleased with my border.  And can you spot a Louie?

Jarred told me to model the quilt top.

Quite pleased with myself at the moment.  Some of the squares aren't perfectly aligned, but for the most part, I did a good job.  I didn't think some of the oops! were that noticeable, and I was tired to using a seam ripper.  So I let it be.

I highly doubt I will be doing anything else with the quilt this weekend.  I would maybe go to the craft store for batting tomorrow, but eh.  I'll probably need to have my mom help me pick out batting and the basting will most definitely be done at their house because we don't have anywhere larger enough to put the quilt to baste at the apartment.

All in a day's work.

Friday, May 27, 2011


It seems like forever ago that I wrote my last post, when it was only a week ago in reality.

On Sunday, Jarred and I made the drive to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana.  Neither of us had ever been.  Jarred did his usual research and knew all about the rides and the rest of the park before we got there.

It was cute.  And the roller coasters were wooden, so they were really rough.  We were mostly looking forward to the water park though.  We had fun.  We got burnt.

I think I'll let Jarred write a post reviewing the park.  He wanted to do a write-up about Holiday World on M&J, but it didn't go through since Blogger's servers were down.

Park attendants walk around with cameras and take pictures free of charge.  We got our photo taken twice, and by the same girl.  The pictures were ready and waiting for us to download for free online when we got home.  Awesome, because we thought it best not to take a camera to the park.

By the way, isn't Sweets just so cute in that picture?  Yeah. 

Aside from going to the theme park Sunday, the rest of the week has been pretty crappy.  I hadn't been out of the apartment until last night.  I've been lazy.  And my stomach has been acting up so badly, I thought earlier in the week that I might have to take a little journey to the emergency room.  Needless to say, I could have done without this week.

I finally started feeling better late yesterday and was excited to begin on my Super Start of Summer project.

I'm making a quilt.


No, really.  I am.

I've gotten pretty burned out on thinking about buntings.  I still haven't cut out all my triangles for the one I had going back at Easter.  It's tedious work, cutting hundreds of those.  

And why yes, I have been living under a rock.  I'd hadn't thought of using rotary cutters.  Lame.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the fabric I featured last week.  Then I got the brilliant idea to make a quilt.  I've never made one before, but I thought I could figure out a simple four square pattern no problem.  

That would be all well and good if I could ever learn to cut a straight line.  I can draw and paint one like nobody's business.  But put scissors in my hand and you'll end up with a gnarled edge that looks like a four-year-old cut it.  Actually, that's offensive to all four-year-olds out there.  They're better with scissors than I am.

So all the fabric I showed you instantly became unmanageable for me.

So I got online and ordered pre-cut squares. 

Mmmhmmm.  I did.

I ordered squares from Amy Butler's LOVE line.  These squares are going to be made into a quilt for our bedroom.  I wanted some more color for our bed and I didn't want to spend millions on a rainbow-colored blanket from Anthropologie.  I also take occasional naps on our bed and hate to get under the covers when the bed has been made for the day.  But I get really cold without a blanket.  


Make a quilt.

Crafty, pretty, and functional.  Right up my alley.

I've just begun sewing the pieces together but am thrilled to bits when I sew a straight line.  Because that's hard for me too.


I've taken a break from sewing to write this post, but so far I am enjoying.  I normally rush projects because I want to get the project finished as soon as I can.  I don't like the process of creating nearly as much as I like a completed product I can admire.

And I'm going into the university weaving program why???

Yeah, to learn patience.

I estimate this project taking a couple of weeks.  Once I get to the batting stage, I will slow down tremendously.  And I'd like to jump right into a quilting stencil because I've read that the more 'quilitng' that is done, the better the finished product will hold up against time.

I'll be updating frequently!

If I don't post again this weekend, I hope all readers and bloggy friends have a great and WARM Memorial Day!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Today Mom and I went to a little out-of-the-way shop that sells fabric and quilting supplies.

I'm so glad we did.  Hobby Lobby, you can suck it with your $9/yard fabrics.  I think I'll stick with my new store that sells better fabrics for a little as $2.50/yard.  Please and thank you.

I really have no idea what I'm going to do with this stuff.  But all the patterns were too pretty to pass up.  I overheard a woman who bought almost $200 worth of fabric.  Go her!

Here are some pictures of the purchase:

I threw in my Amy Butlers too.  Any ideas on what to do with this lovely fabric?  I bought a yard of everything but the green in the middle.  I've got 3 yards of that one because it was so great.

Naturally, I'll be updating about what I've decided to do.  I think tonight I may be scouring the Internet for fun ideas!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate; Plankers Gonna Plank

Jarred found this video through Sports Illustated.  It's about this craze called planking.  Just watch the video.  It is LOL funny!

I'm showing that first because otherwise, you'd just think we were crazy.  But maybe we still are.  Anyway, we couldn't not take our own planking photos.

Note:  Please excuse the poor lighting in the photos.  These were quickly snapped pictures.  Expect more.  Sometime.

 And my favorite...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


of the fuzzy variety.

We have one that we see all the time on this blog:

What a cutie.  Totally takes after his daddy:

See the resemblence, no?  nyuck nyuck!

I'm so glad Louie's getting used to the click of my camera.  He doesn't run away now and will look straight into the camera.  Maybe it's because I don't use the flash.  He does not like flash. at. all.

There's another fuzzy baby, but she doesn't get that much attention on here because we only see her on weekends.  But she's still as sugary sweet.  And yes.  This is the same dog that was made to wear a pig costume for Halloween:

This one here is our diva:

She enjoys sleeping, eating, being with her boy (Jarred) and eating.  Did I mention eating?  She reminds me all the time why our family is so in love with Westies. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Graduate

We're so proud!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Doggie Hugs

A long backstory:

Before Jarred and I began dating, we were just friends that kindasorta flirted with one another.  Because we kindasorta liked each other.

Jarred's birthday was coming up soon and I, along with my roommate and little girlfriends, went to Wal-Mart to peruse their aisles.  We ( I ) were on a mission to buy something silly for his birthday.  Along with a double chocolate cake that never got eaten, we ( I ) bought him what was a precursor to the Pillow Pet.  It was a stuffed dog with Velcro on its feet that wrapped around a rolled-up flannel blanket.  I thought it was hilarious, and thus Fuzzums was born.

Fuzzums was such a hit that I went back to Wal-Mart and bought a pink cat version.

A short backstory:

A few Halloweens ago, my family saw some wicked awesome pet costumes at Target.  We always call Baby a pig because she'll eat anything.  There was a pig costume and yes, we bought it.  Baby was not so pleased. 

Both these lead into some of the cruelty Lucas endured by Jarred's hand tonight.  Jarred unwrapped Fuzzums and while holding him up, said to me "Hey, how about we see whether Fuzz will fit around Lucas!"

Why had it never occurred to us before to do this?  Hold up and yes please!

It worked.  Hilarity ensued. At least for us.

Lou is such a ham!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To all Mothers

I hope you have a relaxing Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This and Next

I thought I'd give a heads up that I'm going to be down for the count for the rest of this week and the next.  It's the end of the semester and my finals begin Monday.  I assume that I won't have too much to blog about until summer break begins.  I may pop in with a post that just can't wait, but we'll see.  Until then, adios from this wistful one!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Let's Talk About the Stinky

Life smells.  Whether it be dirty laundry, a full dishwasher, or the garbage, smells can sneak up and attack.  That's proved especially true for Jarred and me since we moved into our apartment almost 2 years ago.  We're still learning how to take the garbage out daily and to run the disposal.

I can't control every smell though.  When moving into an apartment, there is a high possibility that it may not smell good.  In our case, the apartment didn't smell  terrible, but there was a lingering smell that told us a previous tenant had smoked inside.  But we've found ways to combat the problem, somewhat. 

I'm really into finding products that will help clear the air or at least mask smells.  Regardless of whether I'm cleaning our clothes or wanting to treat the air in our living room, I've found these items to really help.

1.  Purex Complete Crystals Softener
I found a coupon in Sunday's paper and was intrigued, especially because the advertisement touted the product to keep clothes smelling fresher for longer than a liquid softener.  I actually don't use softener and only use Bounce sheets in the dryer for the smell.  Because of the smokey smell that lingered in our apartment, our clothes and other fabric tend to smell after so long.  If you know a smoker or are one, you know how much the smell permeates everything.  And that's a fact.

I found that if Jarred and I had clothing that just hung up in the closet for months, it would smell smokey.  Of course, we wouldn't realize it until we were out of the apartment.  Embarrassing.  I bought the Purex because I wanted something with a strong scent that would combat stink. 

Pairing the Purex with my Original scented Tide detergent and heavily scented Bounce sheets, Jarred and I have noticeably better smelling clothes compared to just using detergent and a dryer sheet.  With a coupon,  I paid around $3.49 for a bottle of Purex Complete Crystals and it is supposed to last through 32 loads.  I don't think it was a bad price considering one bottle should last me almost 2 or 3 months.  I bought the Fresh Spring Waters scent which is in the blue bottle.  At my local Kroger, they also sold the Lavender Blossom (in purple) but did not have the Tropical Splash (yellow) scent.  I went in knowing I wanted to buy the freshest scent to pair up better with my detergent. 

I'd actually recommend this product.  I'm quite pleased with the results after 4 loads of laundry already.  I'm also thinking that the crystals could also be used as air fresheners too because the scent is fairly strong.  I can see putting some of the product into a glass jar to help scent a room. 

2.  Good Air Candles from Yankee Candle

I love candles, especially the Yankee Candle variety.  I'm not sure they know my name at the store, but they do recognize my face and remember my last purchase.  I went in sometime in the Fall 2010 asking for any product they had for smelly smells.  I told her about our situation and she was very helpful, telling me that a friend of hers was in a similar situation, except the downstairs neighbors smoked like chimneys and the smell would creep into the friend's apartment.

I feel  for her.

Anyway, she talked to me about the Good Air products.  Thought skeptical, I bought a candle of each scent, Just Plain Clean and Just Plain Fresh.  Clean comes in blue and Fresh comes in green.  Both are excellent scents and there is no other way to describe it except for 'clean' and 'fresh'.  Each candle has a core that is either blue or green that melts along with the outer wax of the candle.  That's what eliminates odors.  I went back home and immediately began using them.

They work.


Love the scents and even after I blew out the candle, the smell lingers.  It was nice to burn  the candle in the morning for a while, blow it out, leave to run errands, and come home a few hours later to the same scent, almost as if the candle had never been blown out.

The candle has a nice pool and doesn't tunnel.  Maybe I got lucky with my candles, but if you experience tunneling with jar candles, wrap the glass in tin foil for a while.

There are also sprays, votives, and gels available along with the candle.  I know Yankee Candle is up there in price, but these candles were only $9.99.  I only wish the candle was a little bit bigger so it would last longer.  I get a little panicky thinking I'll run out of candle before I can buy more.

3.  Dryer Sheets

I don't have a picture because I just use whatever is on sale.  
I don't just use the sheets for laundry though.  I have tacked up dryer sheets to walls, stuck them in drawers, stuffed one in shoes, etc.  I sneak them wherever I can.  Jarred seems to hate it, but c'mon, the dryer sheets smell  nice and fresh and are a good way to discreetly combat stink.  I also like rubbing a single sheet over my clothes before I head out to make sure I'm smelling super fresh.  You can place one in a car as an air freshener. Works and it's cheaper than buying the car air freshener clips.  Stick one in between clothes to use like drawer sachets.

The possibilities are endless.  Something to think about when there's not much cash to spare but you want everything to smell good!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

George W. Bush - 9/11 Bullhorn Speech

President Bush, it may have taken 10 years, but the evil that knocked down our buildings are finally hearing us. It's a good night to be an American.