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Friday, May 27, 2011


It seems like forever ago that I wrote my last post, when it was only a week ago in reality.

On Sunday, Jarred and I made the drive to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana.  Neither of us had ever been.  Jarred did his usual research and knew all about the rides and the rest of the park before we got there.

It was cute.  And the roller coasters were wooden, so they were really rough.  We were mostly looking forward to the water park though.  We had fun.  We got burnt.

I think I'll let Jarred write a post reviewing the park.  He wanted to do a write-up about Holiday World on M&J, but it didn't go through since Blogger's servers were down.

Park attendants walk around with cameras and take pictures free of charge.  We got our photo taken twice, and by the same girl.  The pictures were ready and waiting for us to download for free online when we got home.  Awesome, because we thought it best not to take a camera to the park.

By the way, isn't Sweets just so cute in that picture?  Yeah. 

Aside from going to the theme park Sunday, the rest of the week has been pretty crappy.  I hadn't been out of the apartment until last night.  I've been lazy.  And my stomach has been acting up so badly, I thought earlier in the week that I might have to take a little journey to the emergency room.  Needless to say, I could have done without this week.

I finally started feeling better late yesterday and was excited to begin on my Super Start of Summer project.

I'm making a quilt.


No, really.  I am.

I've gotten pretty burned out on thinking about buntings.  I still haven't cut out all my triangles for the one I had going back at Easter.  It's tedious work, cutting hundreds of those.  

And why yes, I have been living under a rock.  I'd hadn't thought of using rotary cutters.  Lame.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the fabric I featured last week.  Then I got the brilliant idea to make a quilt.  I've never made one before, but I thought I could figure out a simple four square pattern no problem.  

That would be all well and good if I could ever learn to cut a straight line.  I can draw and paint one like nobody's business.  But put scissors in my hand and you'll end up with a gnarled edge that looks like a four-year-old cut it.  Actually, that's offensive to all four-year-olds out there.  They're better with scissors than I am.

So all the fabric I showed you instantly became unmanageable for me.

So I got online and ordered pre-cut squares. 

Mmmhmmm.  I did.

I ordered squares from Amy Butler's LOVE line.  These squares are going to be made into a quilt for our bedroom.  I wanted some more color for our bed and I didn't want to spend millions on a rainbow-colored blanket from Anthropologie.  I also take occasional naps on our bed and hate to get under the covers when the bed has been made for the day.  But I get really cold without a blanket.  


Make a quilt.

Crafty, pretty, and functional.  Right up my alley.

I've just begun sewing the pieces together but am thrilled to bits when I sew a straight line.  Because that's hard for me too.


I've taken a break from sewing to write this post, but so far I am enjoying.  I normally rush projects because I want to get the project finished as soon as I can.  I don't like the process of creating nearly as much as I like a completed product I can admire.

And I'm going into the university weaving program why???

Yeah, to learn patience.

I estimate this project taking a couple of weeks.  Once I get to the batting stage, I will slow down tremendously.  And I'd like to jump right into a quilting stencil because I've read that the more 'quilitng' that is done, the better the finished product will hold up against time.

I'll be updating frequently!

If I don't post again this weekend, I hope all readers and bloggy friends have a great and WARM Memorial Day!

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