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Thursday, July 30, 2009

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Cash, We Got a Problem

My test is tomorrow and I feel like I am not prepared at all. There's a load of formulas to remember, and I am struggling to keep them in my head.

No other news so far this week. I had a ball of a time at work last night (gag me) because our computers were down, so we were taking cash only. The signs said cash only people. That means cash only. No checks. No debit cards. Cash only.

I hope tonight is a little bit better. I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow with my test and work right after. I'm looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure.

On a side note, Jarred is sick today. He had hot jalapeno peppers for dinner last night and I think it made him sick this morning. So he came home for lunch and hasn't gone back. But that sweet boy went out last night and got me some beautiful flowers. He has always prided himself on being able to find the freshest and prettiest flowers at the supermarket. He didn't disappoint last night either!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Food, Good Meat, Thank God Their Trip is Complete!

Yay! Mom and Dad are finally back from NC! It was getting lonely around the house with two people gone. There's normally six people in the house at any given time, so it was different. It reminded me of last Thanksgiving. J and I stayed back home because he had to work and the rest of the family traveled to NC. I cooked the turkey, 7 layer salad, hash browns, and dressing all day with Jarred. We sat down to dinner, just the two of us. And then I cried. I just got a little emotional because I missed family. But I was glad I was home with J because I didn't want him to be alone on Thanksgiving. And now I know I can cook a really good turkey.

We went out to Longhorn for dinner tonight and I think everyone had steaks. Hence the post title. What an awesome meal with a great family. I'm glad everyone is back home and life can be normal again.

I'm starting to get pretty excited for school to start. All of my classes seem pretty interesting (to me at least). I mean, Operations Management is going to be the bomb! I say that in all seriousness too. All of my business classes are going to be so useful when I get a job. When I worked at FOL from September to January, I learned so much about the business setting. The things I am learning now are things I remember people talking about at work. If that's what keeps me going with this degree, then that's fine with me. It's a struggle for me sometimes, as we all know.

But I have a question for anyone who is going to or went to the same school I'm at. I was looking online and it said that I won't graduate for another 2 1/2 years. But I have looked at all the classes I have left to take, it won't take me nearly that long. So I don't know where it is getting the idea that I won't graduate until December of 2011. I am taking the most hours I can and am planning on taking classes in the winter and summer. I was supposed to graduate next May, but I am calculating that I will graduate just a semester later.
My question, I guess, is whether the online site I am looking at is saying I will graduate in 2011 because it is only taking into account a student signing up for 12 hours (the minimum to be considered full-time). And if any of you all could follow what I just wrote, God bless you.

It's been a good break from work today and I'm not too excited to get back tomorrow. But it pays, so I am willing.

And on a side note, I am quite pleased with myself because I sat down and rolled coins this afternoon.

And here's a nice survey for good measure:

1. Who was your FIRST date? T, and we went to see School of Rock!

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? No.

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? A screwdriver

4. What was your FIRST job? Working at FOL as a file keeper/scanner girl

5. What was your FIRST car? Honda Civic named Herbert

6. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Back home to NC

7. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? D, and no, we don't talk anymore. I haven't seen her in years!

8. Whose wedding did you attend the FIRST time? Technically Aunt L and Uncle R's, since Mom was pregnant with me. But I guess the first wedding I was aware of was Aunt P and Uncle M's.

9. Tell us about your FIRST roommate. Noooooo thank you. We'll leave that one well enough alone.

10. If you had one wish, what would it be (other than more wishes)? To live a happy life.

11. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? Maybe a sport or some unique hobby or trade.

12. Did you marry the FIRST person you were in love with? No.

13. What were the first lessons you ever took and why? Dance lessons from Ms. M! I loved my tutus!

14. What is the first thing you do when you get home? Put my bag down and hop onto the Internet. I know, classic.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Stings, don't it?

What's the word?

I can't think of the term I am looking for to describe this situation I'm in. So now that Jarred and I are trying to save up money for an apartment and other things, I really do need the hours at work. But all of a sudden, Boss B is not giving me hardly any. Well, I shouldn't say that. I have always told her I can work between 20 and 25 hours, but going over a bit is alright. When I didn't have any responsibility in paying for things, I was getting almost 30 hours. But now that I really need the money, she reduces my hours. What is up with that?

I can't think of the term, like I said. But I know that it really sucks, that's for sure.

Jarred and I are still doing alright money wise, just saving up. But next paycheck is going towards my new phone when I switch over to J's plan. And school books are going to be really expensive too. Does anyone think it's cheaper in the end to buy books offline from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, even though you can't return them to the University bookstore?

J and I are finally going to clean up the bedroom tonight. It has been so dirty for the past, like, year. But we are getting our butts into gear and cleaning it up.

Going from class, then immediately to work, then mopping up the kitchen and doing laundry and cooking dinner and everything else has gotten me into a domestic mood. And that mood only comes once in a blue moon, so I better get on it while I'm feeling it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Story of Paint

I wanted to make a new header for M and J Hooray, and I thought this would be the perfect one. It is quintessentially us.

I painted these two a couple of years ago. The paint job in places is sketchy at best, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was one of the first paintings I did. I was totally excited about it and put it in the art show at PU. I got a lot of praise for it because it was so original. In fact, I got to do a CD cover for some friends.

I haven't painted in over a year. I hope that I will continue again one day. I miss it a lot, but where's the time? I miss my art classes only a little though. It becomes hard to constantly be criticized for work you are proud of. Art is so subjective, yet in school it becomes objective. Which is should never be. Some people like classic paintings, such as this one, named Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David.

It's art, don't get me wrong. But you wanna know what I like?

This. The Ultimate. Jackson Pollock's One: No. 31.

And this. A self portrait by Henry Rousseau. He had no formal training. I identify greatly. But his art speaks to me more than any other, besides for my buddy Van Gogh.

Some time soon I hope to get started back to what I love doing most. Hope with me?

Friday, July 24, 2009

JK Wedding

Things like this make me smile.
What a joyful way to begin a marriage! As one YouTube user wrote, "God loves marraige, and what a wonderful way to celebrate by dancing down the aisle."

Thursday, July 23, 2009


1. Is there someone you'd like to be kissing right now? Jarred or my dog

2. When you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? That I am really angry. And it boils inside of me and then spills over.

3. What are you listening to right now? Jarred making his homemade beer.

4. Are you a big fan of thunderstorms? Not really. But I think Baby is so cute because she shivers and shakes. She hates them

5. Do you believe in perfection? No. I always think back to a certain religious denomination where the women make quilts. The women make sure there are mistakes in the quilts because they believe nothing can be perfect except for Jesus. Pretty awesome. And true.

6. Are you a jealous person? I can be.

7. What was the first thing you thought this morning? That I had 20 minutes to get ready to go to school

8. What do you think about when you are falling asleep? I don't normally think about anything.

9. Are you satisfied with what you have in life? Yes, but I'm only human. I always want more, but I am working on that.

10. Do people ever think that you're either older or younger than you actually are? Now people think I'm younger than I am. But I remember when people would ask me whether I was in the 6th grade when I was really in the 3rd. I felt so big.

11. Do you think men truly understand women? Not even an ounce.

12. How about women understanding men? Ugh, I don't think I want to understand.

13. Did anybody ever call you handsome or beautiful? Yes. Everyday! <3J

14. What is one fact about the last person that called you? Daddy - I love him very much.

15. Other than your current one, what’s the longest relationship you have had? Almost 4 years I think?

'Cause I wanted to. So sue me. I don't really care for these questions either, but I just wanted to write something else for today. I think the blog needs a new header and some pictures!

Maybe that will be my project tomorrow.



How does thee get rid of the funk thine in?

Seriously. I'm in a pretty major funk. I haven't been posting. My last was on Sunday.

Holy Cow! This used to be an everyday thing.

Life isn't boring. Trust me. And I really don't blame people for not reading my posts because they all sound the same:

"Blah Blah money troubles. Blah Blah adult-ess! Blah Blah can't wait to get that degree in finance and make bookoos of money Blah."

Trust me. You don't have to tell me. BORING.

Since school started back last week, there has been a lot of go-go-go. I'm in class in the morning, then I have lunch, then I get ready for work, then I go to work, then I 'm at work, then I come home from work, and then I do homework, and then I go to bed. Begin again. But I will not play the 'poor me, my life is so monotonous." Even though, frankly, it is. But that's not a bad thing.

But there is nothing to write about. Who wants to hear about Accounting? Who wants to hear about home appliances? Other wise, not much to say.

J and I have no upcoming trips planned. Not even a trip to the pool. And anyway, if we did go, I would forget my camera like always.

There are no huge life events that are changing us. Nope, not one.

We're just going along, fairly happily, on our life journey.

But here's my attempt at a regular post:

I'm making dinner for tonight at 1:00 pm. It's a HomeStyle Bake, the one with mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken and biscuit. It's the one that J likes a whole bunch. It smells super good, and I can't wait to eat it when I come home from work tonight.

Speaking of work, because I always must, I don't have to go in tomorrow! Thank goodness! I would really hate to close on a Friday night, but once Fall semester starts, I'm sure that will be most of what I do at work. So I am enjoying the not-so-frequent days when I can just work and not close. At least this job will let me appreciate a real job where you come in at 8 and leave at 5 and get off two full days a week. Yes! That'll be the day. Because Boss B is a workaholic. And I'm not. So there is tension.

And in other news, I am reading a pretty good book called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I am almost through, and I think I have enjoyed it. But we'll see until the very end, and then I will make up my mind. The story is told through the eyes of an autistic boy named Christoper. It is definitely a different viewpoint from any I have ever experienced. But I would recommend it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

When I grow up

It's been great to have a Sunday off finally! I have been working every Sunday for the past, like, 11 million months. But tomorrow gets me back into the grind, but also makes me money. Double edged sword anyone? Or is it a catch-22? Or, it's just both good and bad. I'm working a lot of hours, but I am getting paid for the hours, so I can't complain.

Jarred and I are being really good about money right now. I had to go buy some of my monthly medicine and he had to get something for his truck's radiator, but other than that, no spent money. I am taking my lunch to work with me and Jarred always comes home during his break to eat. We are saving up even little bits of money.

We didn't go look at apartments today after all. I have been worried sick about how everything is going to turn out, and I just didn't want to think about it today. So we went to the library instead. I got some books and Jarred got himself a library card. Totally better than going and renting a movie ($) or buying a book from Barnes and Noble ($).

When I quit something, it definitely has to be cold turkey. Spending money is an awful habit of mine, but I've just had to tell myself I can't even spend money on little things, like a drink at work or going through the drive in while I'm out. It's been a little hard, but I have resisted going 'shopping' like I normally do, where I tell myself I just want to know what sales are out there, and then I buy almost $70 worth of just stuff. Stuff that I don't need. And then I feel guilty. But there are more important things to be spending money on, and that new cute shirt from Anthropologie is not one of them. (Ugh. J, if you are reading this, that sucked to write down.)

I have a test tomorrow in my summer class, so I am preparing myself for that. With a little blogging on the side! I feel 75% confident, but by tomorrow, I will feel fully confident that I can make that good grade. I paid for this class anyway, so I better have some reason to want to do well.

Blogging has unfortunately gone by the wayside for now, with me being as busy as I am. Life is a little hectic, but I am trying to hold it together right now, because J and I sure do need some stability in this life. Does anyone ever want to go back to being a little kid and not have to worry about apartment hunting or credit or working or anything? Sometimes I do. But I am mostly thankful for where I am today.

'Cause I remember when I was little, if someone would have asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say "A grown-up!" Yeah, what a weird kid. But at least I had huge dreams of becoming a movie director. Today, my aspirations are a little bit more boring. I want to be a financial advisor! Woohoo! Never heard a 6-year old say that, have we?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Easy Breezy Fuzzy Girl

Wonderfully sunny, breezy day. The fuzzy sister and I enjoyed sitting oustide.

My first week of school is over. It hasn't been too bad. Especially since it lasts from 8-9:40. I thought it lasted until 12 pm. Wow, was I off.

Jarred and I have a semi-exciting weekend planned. Or Sunday planned. We are going apartment hunting and hopefully getting peeks at the insides. We haven't seen all of town, but we have it narrowed down to a few choices within budget.

The first few months may be a little hard financially, but we are trying to save up every last penny. All the better just in case he gets a job elsewhere. Planning is fun, but living is funner!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh D, please come back.

Not even before the mark in my arm has cleared did Dr. P call me back and tell me the diagnosis.

"Well, from all the blood we took, we see that your red blood count is good, no allergies, you don't have lupus. But we do have a severe Vitamin D deficiency here. I've prescribed some medicine. Stay cute."

:-) Best doctor. He's seen me since I was about this big.

So there's the update on my health.

In other news, my class is going along pretty well. My first test is on Monday, and I hope I will be prepared.

And the biggest news is that J and I will be moving soon! We'll still be around town, but we are trying to find our own place. We have a bit of money saved and with both of us working, we should be able to move soon.

The only problem? If J gets hired in the MC, there will be another move. Will I go with him? More than likely. But that hasn't happened yet, so we are just focused on the here and now. Which is always a good way to live.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Today I went to the doctor. I came out diagnosed with chronic stress and fatigue.

Apparently, if you stuck a rock up my hind end, you'd have a diamond in no time at all. I'm really that stressed.

Stressed about what? Oh, nothing in particular...


Apparently, I deal with stress (badly) by worrying, creating premature wrinkles (thank goodness for Olay), and by getting mouth ulcers.


I try to ask myself what is so darn stressful in my life. And my brain just screams back at me, "Oh. You know. LIVING!"

Friday, July 10, 2009


A completely productive day, I would say.

I got paid, spent the money immediately on the book for my summer class, and then spent some more by purchasing my parking permit early so it could be mailed to the house.

Wonderful. All the other things I could have bought for $150. But I guess I shouldn't think like that. I am getting excited (kinda) about starting the class. Mostly so I can be done with it by mid-August.

Jarred and I are having a lazy night. I am off work tomorrow, so my day will hopefully consist of cleaning and doing laundry. I better watch out! I think I'm getting what Cosmo would call 'too domesticated'.

Maybe our mantra is the complete opposite of the "It's might be a crazy life, but it's our life" of Jon and Kate.

I'd say we're more like "It might be a simple life, but it's a happy life."

Yes, happy then and happy now.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Routine

I haven't been updating as much as I would like. Life has been getting in the way. Ugh.

I begin my second summer class on Monday. I'm both dreading and excited to get back to school. It's going to be good to get back in a routine before the fall semester starts. I still have to buy my book for my class. I also still owe a bunch of money for next semester. I have all my books to buy and need to still have enough money to buy myself a phone. Hope I can! And after August I get to start all over again by saving for winter session.

But I kind of love it. Having things to pay for and saving money for things that matter is great. Thank goodness I am going into finance!

I am wanting to get my own credit card so I can start building a line of credit. I would basically just be putting gas on the card (something I need, but also something affordable) so hopefully by the time I'm out of school, I will have credit built up.

On the life-front, nothing too much has been going on. I have been working a lot of hours. We got a new assistant manager and B is training her this week and next. Then everything is hopefully back to normal. We'll see.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Happy Fifth!

So, I know not a very creative title for this post. But tonight was a much better '4th of July night' than yesterday was.

The family went out to eat after I got home from work and then everyone lit off their fireworks. The neighbors had some really good 'illegal' ones. Awesome.

We just had sparklers.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth Everyone!

It's been a good day of relaxation, snuggling with Honey, eating good food, and having time to spend with family, listening to the rain and the fireworks.

But tomorrow is another day and that means it's back to the grind of work for me. But work hasn't been too bad this past week. I commented to Dad that I have now outlasted 4 management positions. I don't want to say 'managers' becuase 3rd key is technically a management position. I have outlasted two 3rd keys and 2 assistant managers. But B has always said there is always high turnover in retail.

So we'll see how our new assistant manager, J, does. I'm really hoping B has finally found a group of people that can really work together.

Anyway, enough about work.

Hopefully before summer is over, Jarred and I will be able to take another day trip to a pool or park. One last hoorah before school starts. I'm semi excited about starting back this fall because my classes are going to be interesting. But I'm sad at the same time because if I was still at PU, the fall semester would be my last. Now since I've transferred, I have almost 4 more semesters to go. It's a bummer for me, but at the same time, getting this finance degree is way better for me than an art degree. Sorry, but it's true.

In other news, I have been investigating my symptoms and am having an appointment made with Dr. to talk about possible causes. I am starting to believe that I really do have a food allergy of some sort. My stomach is always so upset and I am constantly getting ulcers all over my mouth and lips. I googles the symptoms and I really could be gluten intolerant.

But maybe I am just hoping Dr. finds something so I'm not just blindly trying new diets or exercising.

We'll find out soon enough though!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

That Summer


Yesterday at the water park was not long enough.

I actually think I'm ready for the summer to be over with, so I have an excuse to be busy. Since life revolves around work and school. But how is that different from 'real' life? It isn't.

But yeah, the water park was great. It was great to go on a mini trip with Jarred. Just the two of us relaxing. He would probably sweetly tell me that it reminded him of 'that summer' at PU.

Yes, that summer.

Both a great one and a terrible one.

I was staying on campus in the apartments with a roommate, A, who was never there and her live-in boyfriend who wasn't actually supposed to be there. I went to class from 3 to 8 every day (I was taking Biology 1 and 2). I got back and did whatever I wanted.

I ate every meal by myself. I studied a lot and watched TV a lot.

I was alone a lot.

My hair started to fall out and began losing weight.

People don't think it's that big of a deal to be alone that much. But it is. I cried a lot to Jarred that summer because it was so exhausting being alone all the time. Class was only 5 hours a day, but normally didn't last more than an hour, because really, who wants to be in class for 5 hours?

But Jarred would come visit me every other weekend. He was busy working on the family farm, but he was able to spend some weekends with me.

We went to a big amusement park one weekend. Another weekend, we went to a NASCAR race. And sometimes, we didn't go anywhere. We just went to dinner and a movie.

But even when he wasn't there, I had some good times too. When I did see my roommate, it would be to talk about some sort of drama, like the Res Life wanting to search our rooms because someone had told them both her live-in boyfriend and Jarred were staying there with us. Which, hers was. But I was in the clear.

I enjoyed stacking Styrofoam cups and plates outside this same girl's apartment to get back at her for ratting on A and me. This jealous girl was a serious 'naturalist' and screamed at the sight of Styrofoam.

I remember taking apart a lava lamp with A and another friend and splatting the blue goo all around the walkway of the apartment breezeway.

That was a difficult summer and a good summer. I'm not sure I would ever want to do it again. But it was a good experience.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How Are Vacations Possible for Poor Students?


Anything interesting going on in anyone's life? Cause life is being pretty stale right now. But that's not always a bad thing. I just might miss these days once things become hectic at work and school. Boring days just make for bad blogging days.

J has been hard at work.... at work. Since he's had the job for 2 or 3 weeks now, I can finally say what he is doing. He got a job as a salesman at a dealership. This week has been his first week actually selling, and so far he's sold 2 cars in 2 days! We are very proud. He amazes me with his knowledge of the different vehicles and how to be a good salesman. I think people forget that the salesmen are human beings to that are trying to provide for their families too. J has learned how to be a good salesman, like really looking into the needs of the customer. You want to make the customer as happy as you can, because if you do a good job, you may have repeat customers and those customers may refer others to you.

We are excited for the 4th, even though we aren't really doing much. As of now I don't have to work, but J does. I hope we will get to see a fireworks show somewhere in town. Somewhere FREE is best.

There's only a short amount of time until my 2nd summer session begins, and I know I will miss these days of just worrying about work. Boo summer for going by so quickly.

Though we aren't going on any vacation of any kind this summer, J and I are going swimming for the first time tomorrow. Maybe this time next year, we can take a vacation somewhere. I didn't used to think vacations were necessary, but now I think completely differently. After awhile of just doing the day to day of working and school, you would like to have a week to chill out. That would be perfect. But like I've said before, any sort of trip will have to wait a good while, that's for sure.

Still is quite a bummer to just work and go to school part time over the summer. I'm not even a full adult yet! I'm still in school for Pete's sake! Don't even get me started on the boo hoo weekend that was my spring break this past year. I worked 1-9 every day because we were remodeling the store. Some break.

Anyway, to all those who seem to go on a trip to the Keys on EVERY school break, how in the HECK do you do it? This has baffled me for a long time. The people must have jobs that pay out the whazzoo or they never buy anything to be able to afford these trips. On a college budget, I just don't see how any of them do it.

Oh yeah, I bet Mommy and Daddy pay.

I think I'd rather NOT go not vacation than have my parents pay for every time the girls want to go to Miami.

I still live with my parents, but I am at least trying to be more independent. Some spending habits aren't good, but I am learning. If everything was perfect and my job actually payed well, I'd want to try to pay for as much of my college as possible. So no, I don't think that makes me spoiled.

I just want to get away from the hometown for a while.
