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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh D, please come back.

Not even before the mark in my arm has cleared did Dr. P call me back and tell me the diagnosis.

"Well, from all the blood we took, we see that your red blood count is good, no allergies, you don't have lupus. But we do have a severe Vitamin D deficiency here. I've prescribed some medicine. Stay cute."

:-) Best doctor. He's seen me since I was about this big.

So there's the update on my health.

In other news, my class is going along pretty well. My first test is on Monday, and I hope I will be prepared.

And the biggest news is that J and I will be moving soon! We'll still be around town, but we are trying to find our own place. We have a bit of money saved and with both of us working, we should be able to move soon.

The only problem? If J gets hired in the MC, there will be another move. Will I go with him? More than likely. But that hasn't happened yet, so we are just focused on the here and now. Which is always a good way to live.

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