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Friday, July 17, 2009

Easy Breezy Fuzzy Girl

Wonderfully sunny, breezy day. The fuzzy sister and I enjoyed sitting oustide.

My first week of school is over. It hasn't been too bad. Especially since it lasts from 8-9:40. I thought it lasted until 12 pm. Wow, was I off.

Jarred and I have a semi-exciting weekend planned. Or Sunday planned. We are going apartment hunting and hopefully getting peeks at the insides. We haven't seen all of town, but we have it narrowed down to a few choices within budget.

The first few months may be a little hard financially, but we are trying to save up every last penny. All the better just in case he gets a job elsewhere. Planning is fun, but living is funner!!


  1. are you apartment hunting in BG or somewhere else? apartments are sooo expensive. it's very sad. it's just like throwing money right into the garbage can. payment after payment and nothing to show for it. sigh.

  2. Yeah! We have a decent budget, but it's just finding a place that is so hard. A lot of places here are sooo sketchy or they are way out of our price range. I just want a nice safe place to live. IS THAT SO HARD?????? Argh!

  3. i should really start catching up on blogs sooner. i would have said "Good luck apartment hunting!" but then I read that you didn't go yet. Oh well, good luck when you DO go!
