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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


YouTube channel in the works!  Be looking for updates!

It was a lazy past week here at Wistful Wife - thus the reason for the lack of updates.  Oh yeah, and I house sat this past weekend. 

So everything is back to normal for this week.  Went to the grocery store and spent double the amount I normally do in order to buy a (pardon my French) sh*t-ton of health food.  I even bought brussel sprouts.  Yeah.  Little Sis opened my eyes to the fabulosity that is Bitchin' Kitchen, hosted by Nadia G.  She's my new favorite lady because Nadia told me I had nothing to fear when it comes to weird vegetables.  And she was so right. 

Guess what we're having again tonight!  Yeah.  Brussel sprouts.  Garlic roasted brussel sprouts.  Want the recipe?

You're welcome.

Now most of the things that I get really excited about online, I didn't find on my own.  As if my Pinterest account wasn't already an indication of that. 

Anyway, I like to give credit where it's due, and this week, Little Sis is getting a lot of love.  I've been interested in getting some kind of vlogging in the works but haven't really had the equipment.  I still might not, I don't know.  But ever since we bought our Rebel, I've been wanting to try out the video feature on myself.  And Sis showed me the brilliance that is Nerimon, or as YouTube search reveals:  Alex Reads Twilight.  I genuinely appreciate people who are actually funny.  And this guy is hilarious without being a douche.

Inspiration to start a YouTube channel to accompany this blog?  Why yes!  I've taken video of the fish tank and of Louie, but I've yet to turn our camera on myself.  Obviously I love hearing myself talk.  I mean, I have a blog for goodness sake.  Vlogging would just be another way I could feed my narcissism.  All that's needed is a tune-up of the way I film and edit my videos and we'll be in business! 

So what's on the agenda for the rest of the week?  I'll probably post something or another about those dreaded brussel sprouts and I'm thinking a book review would be in order.  Then I'll moan and complain about the plans Jarred and I have had (and I've been mentioning on here) that have been pushed back a week.  Bummer city. 

Oh yeah, and I guess I should say something about my display of silly faces at the top of the post:

My face.  It's so great, you need it nine times.

Au revoir!

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