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Monday, April 18, 2011

Louie You

It's pretty common knowledge that Lou is scared of everything:  the broom, the vacuum, clapping hands, snapping fingers, sound of nail clippers, scissors.... need I go on?  But we've also proven that he can be a tough cookie when it comes to saving his mama, remember?  What makes it even more precious is the fact that he's probably peeing his doggie-pants from fright, but he's still gotta help Mom.

Today you're getting some pictures of my handsome puppy that were taken over the weekend.  He doesn't like the noises the camera makes, but it will take some getting used to.  Until then, we're safe to take pictures of him outside where he can run and play without noticing I'm stalking him like the paparazzi.

Eeep!  So cute!

Lucas, you are such a dear and I'm glad you're getting used to the camera little by little.  You're almost 9 years old and that makes me so sad.  Always and forever my puppy-wuppy, Louie-Booie, SweetCakes, SugarLumps.

I've not yet become a mother to a human baby, but nothing in this world gives love like a dog.  Dogs love unconditionally.  No human on earth does.  And that's why I love Lucas as much as I do.  No matter how frustrated I get with him, he will always come over to me as if to say "I'm sorry Mommy" so I can rub his head.

Nothing sweeter.  Love you LouieBlue!

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