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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stitches II

Yes, I am being patient and taking my time with the quilt. 

But I kinda finished sewing the four squares and the border together. 

I worked basically from 10 in the morning until rightnow.  Just had a break for lunch and Jarred and I went out to dinner.  Then it was back to sewing. 

I dunno.  I just kept working.  Listened to music.  I was in a zone.

I can't wait to get the batting and get the back sewn.  And then I'll have fun with the actual quilting.  I'm still thinking the quilt will take me a few weeks to do because I certainly won't be working on it everyday like I did today.

So wanna see some pictures?  Good!

These photos were taken in less-than-favorable lighting, but I still think they're good.  Jarred took them after all!

 Gotta be comfy while I craft!  Jammie pants are a must.  

 Getting ready to take it to the sewing machine!

 Some of my favorite squares

 First part down!  Pleased with my border.  And can you spot a Louie?

Jarred told me to model the quilt top.

Quite pleased with myself at the moment.  Some of the squares aren't perfectly aligned, but for the most part, I did a good job.  I didn't think some of the oops! were that noticeable, and I was tired to using a seam ripper.  So I let it be.

I highly doubt I will be doing anything else with the quilt this weekend.  I would maybe go to the craft store for batting tomorrow, but eh.  I'll probably need to have my mom help me pick out batting and the basting will most definitely be done at their house because we don't have anywhere larger enough to put the quilt to baste at the apartment.

All in a day's work.

1 comment:

  1. Super impressed with your seams. My first quilt seams were not all aligned. I also made squares. Love the colors and yes, get a rotary cutter. It makes quilting life sooo much easier.
