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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Embrace the Camera Thursday

This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!

So after a few months of reading Emily's Embrace the Camera posts, I'm finally participating. I really hate taking pictures of myself. I don't mind other taking photos of me, but when I point the camera in my own direction, I seem to always get the angle that shows way up my nose. Or I scrunch my face and get the illusion of a double chin from where I had stitches when I was 4 because I jumped off a kitchen playset and busted my chin. Such a talented child I was.... at always having bruises and scrapes and boo-boos, right Mom?

I guess I'm bending Embrace the Camera's guidelines a wee bit since I don't have children yet and I have a spouse that is [alot] camera shy. So my Embrace the Camera will have to be pictures of just plain ol' me. Maybe I can get LouieBlue involved some weeks but that's highly improbable as well. That dog is the biggest weenie -- he seriously runs away whenever I pull out the camera.

Waiting for Jarred to get out of work Wednesday evening. We just got new phones on Tuesday and I was having fun with the camera checking out all the color tones. I'm a pretty big fan of sepia myself. And no, I'm not purposefully striking a diva pose. I have a bad habit of having hair fall in my face. Blame it on the cowlick. That I probably still have. Hence the bare forehead. Bangs are a dangerous thing on me....