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Friday, September 16, 2011


This whole school thing gets in the way of blogging.

...Is that even an excuse?

Anyway, I'm still getting the hang of my schedule and figuring out how much time and effort I need to put into work outside of class.  I'm not finding any class to be too awful demanding, but some are more enjoyable than others.  Like my drawing class.  I've found out that yes, I can draw, and no, there doesn't seem to be any da Vinci reincarnates in class.  Meaning:  I'm considered one of the better drawers, but still, that's scary.  I'd love to show some of the work I've done in the past few weeks, but I need to read up on laws regarding copyrights and registering artwork, 'cause I don't want some creep pillaging all my hard work via Internet.

I was so dreading my drawing class.  In fact, I cried and hyperventilated in front of Jarred on the first day of school before I walked out the door to drawing.  I was so nervous that I'd suck, that everyone would be amazing artists, and oh yeah, that I'd suck.

I enjoy being in class.  There are some people in the classroom that are pretty negative towards every assignment, but I try not to listen to them.  I walk out after the lesson feeling like I just spent the class period doing something I love.  

Yeah, I think art is happiness.

Sometimes I feel like happiness is hard to come by.  I truly have nothing to complain about, but there's also always something else I want.  Eventually I need to learn to let go and just be happy.

This little guy sure helps.

In fact, I think he's the epitome of happiness.  He is enough for me.

Coming up this weekend/next week, I'm going to be writing a review of the Clarisonic Mia.  Don't know, don't care?  That fine.  Just check back later to see if I've updated this thing to something interesting.

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