Jarred and I are getting some great new additions to the apartment. We aren't exactly in a position where we can save money. We are only making money and then spending it right away on rent, utilities, food, etc. It's only a bummer if I really think about it. But hopefully that will be changing quickly in the next month or so. I foresee changes for our little family. Our life is all about changes now. The only constant in our household is our trusty fish. Our babies :)
I am in the third week of school and I am really enjoying my classes. I have made some new friends (friends, as in those people you talk to in class, but never see outside of school). I haven't been overloaded with work so far, but ask me again after my first exam on Monday.
I will only mention work very quickly. It's going alright. The past few days have been pretty good. I've been keeping to myself and not getting into discussions with people. Which is always for the better. I have been getting a good amount of hours lately, but next week I am only working 13. Part of me is happy to have an easy week, but the other part of me worries about bills and paying for things.
Now for the topic of choice tonight. I want to address and issue that seems to have come up before, mostly at work. But it is not work related.
Of course not everything discussed at work is about work, and we will occasionally talk about what is going on in our personal lives. I like to talk about my family, and my co-workers appear to like the stories I tell. I will reminisce about Granddaddy and tell funny stories about Grandma. Yesterday, Mom gave Jarred and me a gift from Mamaw and Papaw. They gave us some money to get things to furnish the apartment with. Yes, I really would have liked to take the money and pay off some bills, but Mamaw and Papaw wanted us to get something special. Jarred and I decided to buy a kitchen cart from Wal-Mart and a TV from Target. We so appreciate the gift! I have had my eye on a kitchen cart for a while, but they have been too expensive.
Anyway, I was telling my co-workers that I was very thankful for the gift from my grandparents. In hindsight, I guess it could have sounded like bragging, but in no way did I mean it like that. I make no excuses for how I was raised. My parents paid for my gas up until a month ago. They are paying for my college education. If I ever really needed anything, I know my parents will be able to help. I am very thankful for what I have been given in life and for parents who are able to help.
I know not everyone is born into the same situation. Some are in worse and some are in better.
I am not a spoiled brat and I don't appreciate being 'called' one or having anyone allude to that point.
It bothered me, but I didn't say anything because good grief, I would have a mutiny on my hands at work if I said differently.
ANYWAY, enough of that. I am very aware that I have yet to put up any pictures. Tomorrow is a free day for me, so I will maybe have some brain capacity left to remember to snap some shots.
it's ok to fall off the bloggy world for a while when you're busy. i do it all the time. oh, i guess that doesn't mean it's ok, but still. that makes two of us. :) still can't wait to see pictures!