This week has been super long already. With two tests, two meetings for projects, and another project/paper due Friday with working 26 hours this week, I'm a little tired. I worked a full day at work, and I am still running on adrenaline at the moment. But I'm sure I'll crash and burn very soon. Fall Break cannot come soon enough!
In other news, it will be sometime tomorrow or Friday that I will announce one of our big surprises. The changes Jarred and I are making are moving us in the right direction towards having a more secure future. We are so excited to share our news, but it'll have to wait a teeny bit longer!
Jarred was a good 'house-spouse' today while I was at work. He cleaned the entire apartment! It looks fabulous! He opened all the windows and it seems to have gotten out the funky smell that has stuck around since we first moved in. He even put up my French test on the refrigerator. I got an A :)
Now I just want to take a little time to clear up some things about my new blog site, The Traveling Menagerie. I created the site with the intention of getting away from talking about my everyday life, which is what this site has become. I am trying to revert back to my old way of writing, which can be viewed if you read posts from February and March. I had a more airy, light tone to my posts and I was a bit more philosophical, if I can say so myself. Nowadays, there is no more deeper meaning to my posts other than what I ate for lunch. I decided to separate the to forms of writing. M and J Hooray is still my go to, but I will be writing of topics meaningful to my life in Menagerie too. Just in a more prose-like writing. I would never abandon my baby that is M and J Hooray, but I wanted another outlet for writing. And don't forget to check out It's A Doggie-Ful Life soon. Baby has proved to not be much of a writer, so she tells me she is going to be passing on the blogging torch to Lucas when he comes home.
Can't wait for puppy!!!
I can't wait to hear the announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I *hate* waiting :] hehe.