I have been talking about getting a cat since around Christmas '07. That was a good while ago. I would still someday like a cat, but honestly, staying with A, Jarred's best friend from high school, my mind has changed. At least until a house comes into the picture. A lived in a little apartment and boy did it stink from cat pee. Houses with cats don't smell, but there's no getting away from it in a tiny apartment.
Of course I would only want to get a dog from a shelter. I have been researching a bit, but who knows whether the animals there today will be there tomorrow. I have been set on going to the Humane Society in the next couple of months to begin our search. Jarred was up for the idea, but he came up with a wonderful idea tonight.
His family has a white miniature schnauzer named Lucas who was abused. Jarred's family bought him and have given him a loving home. But with all the life changes in the past years, Lucas has to be kept outside. Jarred has wanted to eventually bring him out here to stay.
So we have officially decided we are going to 'adopt' Lucas. This way he is able to get the attention he needs, Jarred's mom knows we'll take care of him, and we get another furry baby!
I'm very excited to have an animal to love on again. It gets lonely here sometimes.
I should mention the RIP for Moe. Moe was one of our fish, and we had noticed his color changing and he wasn't really eating. Last night when Jarred went to feed them, he found Moe almost completely gone. And yes, I'm not ashamed at all say that I shed a tear for my poor fish. They are so sweet, I just hope they stick around forever!
Had to share the news. We are very excited and can't wait to bring Lucas to his new home!
Yay!!! Such exciting news!!! I cannot wait to see pictures of Lucas- happy and well groomed :)