I begin my second summer class on Monday. I'm both dreading and excited to get back to school. It's going to be good to get back in a routine before the fall semester starts. I still have to buy my book for my class. I also still owe a bunch of money for next semester. I have all my books to buy and need to still have enough money to buy myself a phone. Hope I can! And after August I get to start all over again by saving for winter session.
But I kind of love it. Having things to pay for and saving money for things that matter is great. Thank goodness I am going into finance!
I am wanting to get my own credit card so I can start building a line of credit. I would basically just be putting gas on the card (something I need, but also something affordable) so hopefully by the time I'm out of school, I will have credit built up.
On the life-front, nothing too much has been going on. I have been working a lot of hours. We got a new assistant manager and B is training her this week and next. Then everything is hopefully back to normal. We'll see.
i like routine too. but i hate class. haha. and work. basically i like a routine of doing nothing. haha. :)