So, I know not a very creative title for this post. But tonight was a much better '4th of July night' than yesterday was.
The family went out to eat after I got home from work and then everyone lit off their fireworks. The neighbors had some really good 'illegal' ones. Awesome.
By day I'm an artist who loves all things charcoal, Van Gogh, and Sandy Skoglund along with a heaping plate of minimalism. By night I play wife to Jarred and Mama to a 9 year-old Schnauzer named Louie.
I enjoy cooking, crafts, and drawing, as well as collecting candles and nail polish.
This blog is a diary of my daily life with a smattering of tutorials and amateur Photoshopping.
I love sharing my thoughts and experiences through portraits and prose.
:) my sister and i did sparklers on the 4th. umm, after the rain let up. haha.