How does thee get rid of the funk thine in?
Seriously. I'm in a pretty major funk. I haven't been posting. My last was on Sunday.
Holy Cow! This used to be an everyday thing.
Life isn't boring. Trust me. And I really don't blame people for not reading my posts because they all sound the same:
"Blah Blah money troubles. Blah Blah adult-ess! Blah Blah can't wait to get that degree in finance and make bookoos of money Blah."
Trust me. You don't have to tell me. BORING.
Since school started back last week, there has been a lot of go-go-go. I'm in class in the morning, then I have lunch, then I get ready for work, then I go to work, then I 'm at work, then I come home from work, and then I do homework, and then I go to bed. Begin again. But I will not play the 'poor me, my life is so monotonous." Even though, frankly, it is. But that's not a bad thing.
But there is nothing to write about. Who wants to hear about Accounting? Who wants to hear about home appliances? Other wise, not much to say.
J and I have no upcoming trips planned. Not even a trip to the pool. And anyway, if we did go, I would forget my camera like always.
There are no huge life events that are changing us. Nope, not one.
We're just going along, fairly happily, on our life journey.
But here's my attempt at a regular post:
I'm making dinner for tonight at 1:00 pm. It's a HomeStyle Bake, the one with mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken and biscuit. It's the one that J likes a whole bunch. It smells super good, and I can't wait to eat it when I come home from work tonight.
Speaking of work, because I always must, I don't have to go in tomorrow! Thank goodness! I would really hate to close on a Friday night, but once Fall semester starts, I'm sure that will be most of what I do at work. So I am enjoying the not-so-frequent days when I can just work and not close. At least this job will let me appreciate a real job where you come in at 8 and leave at 5 and get off two full days a week. Yes! That'll be the day. Because Boss B is a workaholic. And I'm not. So there is tension.
And in other news, I am reading a pretty good book called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I am almost through, and I think I have enjoyed it. But we'll see until the very end, and then I will make up my mind. The story is told through the eyes of an autistic boy named Christoper. It is definitely a different viewpoint from any I have ever experienced. But I would recommend it.
i'm sorry that you are in a funk. i was in one. i think i MIGHT finally be out now. come with me. come out of the funk! you can do it! :)
ReplyDeleteI have wanted to read that book, it was on newsweeks "Books to read" lists :)
ReplyDeleteI'm trying Christine!!!! I think I will be good soon. After I hit the 100 post mark, something strange happened and I was like 'eh' to blogging.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's a really good book Ashley! Jarred and I went to the library Sunday and I had a big list of books with me, but the only one checked in was that one. I recommend!
Meaghan, I'm sorry you're in a funk! :[ that really stinks. work will do that to ya! yuck!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGirl, tell me about it. I can't believe that I am looking forward to going back to school. That's crazy talk.
ReplyDeleteYour and Christine's blog get me through the day. So I look forward to that.