Let's air some other frustrations, shall we?
Talking with BW at work this afternoon, I learned we are both sick and tired of the hours we don't get. I didn't take the job in February to get 15 hours one week and 20 the next. I can only have 1 job because I am in school. Others aren't in school and have the ability to work 2 jobs, and do. So if they aren't working at the store, then they are probably working at their other job, right? So why do they get a lot of hours and I get diddly?
On the flip side, I'm tired of working Sundays all the time. Just because B doesn't ever want to work Sundays. It's either me or the assistant manager who work. I hate that I can't go to church because I wouldn't have enough time to get home from church, eat lunch, and get to work. I HATE IT!
Trying to be optimistic, I know that my experiences will help me realize how lucky I am to get a real college degree job someday. I am grateful that I have a job at all, because I know so many people are unemployed.
I'm frustrated about the situation with Jarred and the PDs. Why can't they see he would be a great addition to their force? Just give him a chance for God's sake!
On some good notes, I got some super stuff to finish out the kitchen. I got a cute little hand mixer, a scrubbie, and a pan scraper. All to match the towels. Which are orange. We are going to have a very eclectic home. Very colorful too! Pictures will be a must!
After dinner tonight, we went over to a church friend's house to get their kitchen table they were giving away. It's cute and can seat four people, so Mom and Dad will have to come over soon so I can make dinner! I'm glad to have a real table and not a card table I spray painted. Everything is coming together and life is moving forward.
That above all is something Jarred and I can be thankful for.
At the store today, a middle aged couple came in to buy a few items. BW was helping them and got to talking to them. Their son had just gotten home that morning from Afghanistan. They went to pick him up at the airport and made it home in time to go to church. The mother and father were in their church clothes and the son was still in his uniform (camo pants and jacket - I don't know what they are officially called). The mother told BW that they had gone out to eat lunch and another diner had apparently paid for all their meals. I thought that was really nice and I can only hope that I will be able to do that someday, regardless of financial position. BW gave the family a nice discount. Pretty good day for that family.
I told Dad about this family and he showed me this video. Now, I'm never wanting to step on anyone's toes. In fact, I'm sure lots of you all wouldn't really want to know my views on certain political issues. That's why I don't talk about politics too much on this blog. It's my blog and I say what I want, but some of my views may shock. But I can pretty well say I am conservative when it comes to views on the war and health care and government interfering. So with all that said, when Dad exclaimed, "Now that is an American!" I wholeheartedly agreed!
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