Today was an awesome day at work. I almost choke when I hear myself say that, but really, it was good. T and I worked very hard and there wasn't any pressure to 'go go go!' like there is lots of times. It's good to come home after a day of work knowing you got something done.
Jarred and I had to go to the AT&T store this morning before he dropped me off at work. There would be no other time for us to get my new phone and switch over to his plan. It's basically been all straightened out, but it sure did take a long time this morning. Sheesh. I guess it's universal though, nothing is ever quick and easy when it comes to wireless carriers. Or the DMV. Ugh.
I've got a test tomorrow and then I am going bargain hunting! I'll try to hit up the Habitat store and some other consignment shops for furniture. It's not a complete necessity right now, but I'd love to have a bureau and a couch (if the prices are right).
We are on a countdown now until we move in and we are super excited. Nervous at the same time. But here's a big M and J HOORAY for being a big boy and girl!
:) hooray!!!