No Internet at the apartment yet. That's why I'm not updating. I am home for a short bit to print off what I need for school tomorrow. Jarred and I are still unpacking. We have been working a lot of hours and haven't had much time to put things away. Hopefully we will get pictures up soon of the apartment!
Last night. And I'm sad. I may not be leaving the city, but I'm leaving home. Leaving my baby room - I've been in it for about 15 years. I am really sad.
I'm so glad our countdown is almost over. Packing takes forever and I hate it. But naturally, we need stuff in our new home, so packing is necessary.
Let's air some other frustrations, shall we?
Talking with BW at work this afternoon, I learned we are both sick and tired of the hours we don't get. I didn't take the job in February to get 15 hours one week and 20 the next. I can only have 1 job because I am in school. Others aren't in school and have the ability to work 2 jobs, and do. So if they aren't working at the store, then they are probably working at their other job, right? So why do they get a lot of hours and I get diddly?
On the flip side, I'm tired of working Sundays all the time. Just because B doesn't ever want to work Sundays. It's either me or the assistant manager who work. I hate that I can't go to church because I wouldn't have enough time to get home from church, eat lunch, and get to work. I HATE IT!
Trying to be optimistic, I know that my experiences will help me realize how lucky I am to get a real college degree job someday. I am grateful that I have a job at all, because I know so many people are unemployed.
I'm frustrated about the situation with Jarred and the PDs. Why can't they see he would be a great addition to their force? Just give him a chance for God's sake!
On some good notes, I got some super stuff to finish out the kitchen. I got a cute little hand mixer, a scrubbie, and a pan scraper. All to match the towels. Which are orange. We are going to have a very eclectic home. Very colorful too! Pictures will be a must!
After dinner tonight, we went over to a church friend's house to get their kitchen table they were giving away. It's cute and can seat four people, so Mom and Dad will have to come over soon so I can make dinner! I'm glad to have a real table and not a card table I spray painted. Everything is coming together and life is moving forward.
That above all is something Jarred and I can be thankful for.
At the store today, a middle aged couple came in to buy a few items. BW was helping them and got to talking to them. Their son had just gotten home that morning from Afghanistan. They went to pick him up at the airport and made it home in time to go to church. The mother and father were in their church clothes and the son was still in his uniform (camo pants and jacket - I don't know what they are officially called). The mother told BW that they had gone out to eat lunch and another diner had apparently paid for all their meals. I thought that was really nice and I can only hope that I will be able to do that someday, regardless of financial position. BW gave the family a nice discount. Pretty good day for that family.
I told Dad about this family and he showed me this video. Now, I'm never wanting to step on anyone's toes. In fact, I'm sure lots of you all wouldn't really want to know my views on certain political issues. That's why I don't talk about politics too much on this blog. It's my blog and I say what I want, but some of my views may shock. But I can pretty well say I am conservative when it comes to views on the war and health care and government interfering. So with all that said, when Dad exclaimed, "Now that is an American!" I wholeheartedly agreed!
A very sweet girlie gave me this award! I can't really tell because the picture is small, but I think the dog has on sunglasses. LOL! Hot to trot that dog is, hot to trot.
I believe the rules are as follows:
1. I must list 5 current obsessions. 2. I must list 5 people to give the award to.
So let's get crackin'!
1. I am currently obsessed with KitchenAid mixers.I want one I want one I want one. The color is very retro and I'm sure Julia Child would have loved it. Hers was the cobalt blue color and I am fairly certain hers was a Professional 5 or 600. The one I love is an Artisan mixer in cornflower..... (coughJarredMomcough)
2. I am obsessed with art.
More appropriately, I am obsessed with Van Gogh. I have been since the 6th grade. He has provided me with much peace and I could never bear to lose my paintings. Van Gogh's paintings have been there to provide comfort on bad days. When I dropped out of my high school calculus class, Mom got me a 700 page book of his works. That made it all better.
And since I'm on the topic of art, I'd like everyone to get to know a fabulous friend of mine, Heidi. The girl is a wonderful artist herself and you should really go to her Etsy site and marvel at the masterpiece that is HERA. I wish Heidi all the luck in the world with her artistic endeavors!
3. I am obsessed with blogging. No picture needed because everyone here can see the love I put into my blog. But here's a picture for good measure.
But I would never get it because I might freak people out about whether their mug is gonna end up on my little space of Internet. But it's still pretty cool, because people openly talk about blogging. It's kinda lame to talk about the 'news feed' on Facebook or MySpace at all in public. But blogging can be intellectual. Really. It can.
4. I am obsessed with Baby.
Please excuse my goofy self. Just focus on the dog. I love her thhhiiiiiiissss much! My family and I have all have a weird obsession with our poochy. I even went so far to write a post about how wonderful she was!
5. And lastly, because it seems the popular thing to do, I am obsessed with Jarred.
He puts up with me, so I have to love him, right? He is the most determined person I have ever known. We are going to get where we want to be in life very soon Honey! Regardless of when things happen, we will always be in this life together!
Cute commercial, but where's the Giant Schnauzer?? Jarred and I have vowed to someday have a giant schnauzer. His father had one and her name was Camille.
Busy, busy, full day. But maybe I'm starting to enjoy having a lot to do. Maaayyybbbeee free time is overrated.
Work has been hectic as always, but oddly enjoyable. Saturdays are always busy, but customers were really nice today. Besides for the woman who got angry that I couldn't take her credit card (sorry, debit) without an ID. I personally think debit cards might actually be worse to lose considering those are directly linked to your bank account. So sorry lady, wherever you are.
I'm hoping to get some more bookshelf painting done tonight. We've only got a bit longer until J and I move! So everything needs to get done!
And for dinner, I made some Ina Garten Basil Parsley Shrimp. It's sooo good. The recipe just might be put up later on. I'll surprise ya!
I've had an odd calm about me for a few days. It's either A) I'm sick and in a fog or B) I'm done with classes for a few weeks. I hope the calm lasts.
I was listening to my iPod last night before I went to bed and my favorite song ever began playing. Does anyone know what my favorite song is? It's interesting, let me tell you.
It'll All Work Out by Tom Petty. Ever heard it? Beautifully calming song.
Go to the bottom of the blog and click on my playlist. "It'll All Work Out" is the 2nd song on the playlist. Just listen to it.
She wore faded jeans and soft black leather She had eyes so blue they looked like weather When she needed me I wasn't around That's the way it goes, it'll all work out
There were times apart, there were times together I was pledged to her for worse or better When it mattered most I let her down That's the way it goes, it'll all work out
It'll all work out eventually Better off with him than here with me
It'll all work out eventually Maybe better with him than here with me
Now the wind is high and the rain is heavy And the water's rising in the levee Still I think of her when the sun goes down It never goes away, but it all works out
There's nothing in this song that speaks to me but the words that are repeated over and over: "it'll all work out". Those have always been comforting words to me, both Mom and Dad know that very well. I have always had much faith in that simple phrase. So far in my short life, everything really has worked out. Maybe I didn't think so at the time, but things did eventually work out in the end.
I had a test Monday. I had class and worked on Tuesday. Same thing on Wednesday. Jarred and I also signed our lease that afternoon. I started to get sick that night. Thursday, I bombed my final because I was feeling so bad. Didn't go to work.
That's been my week so far.
Hope this weekend is better!
PS - Don't get the post title? Ever heard the joke about the woman with green hair? She says it's "SNOT-tural!" Snot, natural, get it?
I'm so happy I finally got Jarred to write his first blog. He has really enjoyed brewing his own beer (it's a cool process) and I'm sure he would say there is nothing more relaxing than to sit on the porch on a summer evening with a cigar and a home brew. Intellectual conversations abound!
Today was an awesome day at work. I almost choke when I hear myself say that, but really, it was good. T and I worked very hard and there wasn't any pressure to 'go go go!' like there is lots of times. It's good to come home after a day of work knowing you got something done.
Jarred and I had to go to the AT&T store this morning before he dropped me off at work. There would be no other time for us to get my new phone and switch over to his plan. It's basically been all straightened out, but it sure did take a long time this morning. Sheesh. I guess it's universal though, nothing is ever quick and easy when it comes to wireless carriers. Or the DMV. Ugh.
I've got a test tomorrow and then I am going bargain hunting! I'll try to hit up the Habitat store and some other consignment shops for furniture. It's not a complete necessity right now, but I'd love to have a bureau and a couch (if the prices are right).
We are on a countdown now until we move in and we are super excited. Nervous at the same time. But here's a big M and J HOORAY for being a big boy and girl!
Meaghan has finally gotten me to write my first post!
I recently became interested in brewing my own beer at home. Meaghan's store was selling the Mr. Beer kits and I had to have one! I got the kit about a month ago, so I've been having to wait all this time to finally get to try it. The kit came with a 2.5 gallon keg in which you ferment the beer for a minimum of one week but I personally recommend waiting a little longer, its especially harder to do with your first batch because you just can't wait to try it! The kit also included a packet of one-step sanitizer, a packet of "booster" which is just a form of dextrose to add body and alcohol to the beer. Also a can of hopped malt extract called "West Coast Pale Ale" was included with a small packet of dry brewer's yeast (not the kind you buy at the grocery store). I add to purchase bottles as well to bottle the beer but some kits come with bottles.
You start out by fermenting all your utensils in the keg with half of the sanitizer packet. After that sits for ten minutes you drain with no need to rinse. Then fill the keg to the 4 qt. mark with cold water. Next you mix in the "booster" with 4 cups of water until it completely dissolves then bring it to a boil. After that you add the hopped malt extract, give it a stir and pour the mix into the keg. Then sprinkle the yeast on top and let sit for 5 minutes then stir vigorously. After that it's waiting time! Place the lid on the keg and let sit in a dark, cool place for at least one week.
When it comes time to bottle you need to prime with sugar to help carbonate the beer. Depending on what size bottles you use you will add different amounts of sugar. I used the 1 liter Mr. Beer bottles that are re-usable. I added 2 1/2 tsp. of sugar to each bottle and then filled them. the batch makes approximately 8 liters of beer. Then its more waiting! Again with another week of waiting for carbonating then its on to conditioning. I warm conditioned my beer since there is not much room in the fridge so its been sitting for about 3 weeks. I put two bottles in the fridge on Thursday so after 2 days of getting cold and lagering they would be ready to try tonight! I will post pictures of my first brew at the bottom of the post!
When I opened the first bottle I was reassured with a nice psshhhtt sound that carbonating drinks make, therefore I knew that the necessary processes had taken place. The beer poured nicely with a golden yellow color and a light ring of head at the top of the glass. It tastes like a good standard micro brew, with a particularly "mouthy" feel to it, a hard term to describe but beer drinkers will know what I mean. The alcohol content is rated at 3.7 for this batch but I've read that a level of 3.7 of a home brew is a little more than the standard 5% that you find in a Bud or Miller and keep in mind I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM comparing my beer to a domestic, Bud and Miller and good for what they are but nothing beats the satisfaction and taste of drinking your own home brew!
I have already started on my second batch which is the Classic American Blonde Ale. I even added a third of a cup of honey to boost the alcohol content another .3% to be right at 4%. It should be bottled sometime next week as it will have sat in the fermenter for about 3 weeks then. I am pleased with my first attempt and cannot wait to try more recipes in the future!
Jarred and I finally found a place! We looked at one set of apartments this afternoon. It's within our budget and has beautiful grounds and is in a very safe location. We are very excited to be moving in soon!
Jarred dubbed it the Frosty Cake because of the color of the frosting and the light chocolate flavor. We're letting it set up for tonight, but we'll dig in tomorrow! It's a three layer white cake and whipped icing. It took me all night to make, but it will be well worth it tomorrow!
Such a tiring week. But it's awesome not having to work. But if I don't work, I don't get paid. And such is life.
I made a good trip to Target this afternoon. I went in for one thing and came out with another. Happen to anyone else? But this was different from the usual. I went in looking for one thing I needed but decided to forgo that purchase to buy something else I needed.
It felt good.
I actually went in to get some polo shirts and khakis. Because that is what we are 'supposed' to wear to work. But if I don't have the funds to buy new clothes, then I guess Home Office can kiss it! Or buy me the clothes. Either will work.
I decided after trying on a bunch of clothes that I didn't want to spend money on work. I instead needed some folders and a pencil pouch for school. And my calculator. So I'd say that was a much better $30 spent.
In other news, I'm really ready for my summer class to be over. I'm ready for fall semester!
I'm so sorry to all my (used to be) readers. I know I've been super boring this summer. But please believe me when I say that things really do happen in my life, but there is never a camera around to capture the moment. Maybe once fall begins, there will be more for me to blog about. I'm not taking a break from the blog or anything, but the posts might not be anything too good. So just don't read it if I bore you to tears. I really don't mean to.
I'd like to get up on my soapbox and give this woman a piece of my mind:
Lady, do you have any idea how long and hard Jarred has worked to finally find that first full-time job?? Do you know how many times he beat the pavement, going from office to office asking if they were hiring? Do you know how many job opening websites he looked at? Do you know how many newspaper want ads he has looked through? Do you know how many applications he has filled out and how much testing he has gone through?
He graduated from a tiny private college that literally offered no help with career advancement. He had to do it all on his own. He talked with people in the field. He got information about job openings. He was the one who had to do it all. He didn't expect a job to fall into his lap.
He graduated in May 2008. It took him a year to find a steady full-time job. A year.
But he has a job now.
You. You graduated a little over 3 months ago. Did you expect an employer to be waiting on the other side of the graduation stage to offer you a job?
There are thousands of people without jobs. College graduates without jobs. You are no more special. Not everything in life is instantaneous. Sometimes you have to work to get what you want. Sometimes life isn't what you thought. Sometimes life plans have to be put on hold. But we deal with it.
Lady, you need to wise up. I hope you lose this lawsuit. You are the epitome of what America is coming to. Lazy and selfish. Good luck ever finding a job now. Any employer would be stupid to hire you because you'd sue them if you ever lost your job.
I really don't know which phone to choose. I was look at paying up to $150 for the phone, and the two I have in mind are in that range. I saw an ad for the Motorola Karma and almost instantly fell in love. It's so cute, but I'm not sure about all the applications on it. I love having the full QWERTY keyboard, so I don't want to go back to a regular phone. But Jarred and I are going to have to be limited in talking and texting, so I am not sure the phone is worth it, because I won't be using a lot of the applications.
But at the same time, most phones nowadays come with so much extra stuff on them that I would be having the same issue regardless.
The other phone I am looking at is the Blackberry Curve 8900. Again, a lot of the features I won't use because I don't want to pay $30 a month for a data plan. But I love utilizing the calendars and notepad and other organizational tools on my current smartphone. And I am wanting a phone that is going to last me a good while and looks grown-up.I have a week to decide, but I can't make up my mind so far! HELP!
By day I'm an artist who loves all things charcoal, Van Gogh, and Sandy Skoglund along with a heaping plate of minimalism. By night I play wife to Jarred and Mama to a 9 year-old Schnauzer named Louie.
I enjoy cooking, crafts, and drawing, as well as collecting candles and nail polish.
This blog is a diary of my daily life with a smattering of tutorials and amateur Photoshopping.
I love sharing my thoughts and experiences through portraits and prose.