This post was first featured on the now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
Terrible blogger I am.
But can you blame me? Who wants to hear about school work all the time. Which is going swimmingly. I have a test coming up on Valentine's Night. Yes. I'm bummed.
Because I
love Valentine's Day. Love. Always have, always will. I love all the pink and red and candy and hearts. And no, I didn't always have a little boyfriend on V-Day. I just loved the day. In elementary school, I remember bringing in a shoe box to decorate for valentines cards and candy. We'd eat cupcakes and chips and the teacher would give each of us a box of candy hearts.
When I had my first boyfriend, I'm sure I got the normal Valentine's Day gifts: candy and flowers and maybe a stuffed animal. I'd also look forward to getting a little gift and card from my parents.
But my first Valentine's with Jarred was special. You know what that boy got me? He bought me a
Crayola Glow Board. Yes. And a box of Hershey's Pot of Gold. He told me that's what his dad would always get his mom. So sweet. I'm glad to have a boy that humors me with whatever it is I want to make/do next.
Speaking of that boy, he had a birthday earlier this week!
I am a terrible picture taker and generally like to be in on the action rather than taking photos. But I managed to get some pictures of his cake that I lovingly made.

Jarred wanted Coconut Cake and I found Ina
Garten's recipe. She is one fab-
oosh lady. Anyway. I wanted to make a sweet little bunting to stick on his cake, so I used Mom's
Cricut and wooden skewers. But then Jarred showed me a cake with Angry Birds on it. I couldn't begin to make that. So we settled for a little banner with the angry birds and the pigs on it.

Ah. Sports nut, beer brewer, cigar connoisseur, and Angry Birds lover. That is my husband.
I don't have any pictures of the projects I've been working on, but I think in a few weeks I will make a tutorial over the
yoot tablecloth I made. My
Aunt Peaches-inspired flowers are sitting pretty on top of it right now on the kitchen table.
I've also been making myself hair bands and skirts and fabric flowers. No pictures yet and I am sorry. I'll be gathering supplies to make another skirt and I will feature that tutorial soon.
Until then, adios friends!