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Monday, November 8, 2010

Favorite Christmas Songs

This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!

I love November and December. My favorite time of the year. Seriously. I love the warm fuzzy feeling I get from the Christmas spirit. I love putting on soft sweaters and my Uggs (yes, I wear them. What about it??). I love putting up our Christmas tree and hanging our garland and ornaments. I love everything about the season.

When I took a semester off from school and temped in an office, I got to put in my headphones, blast my iPod and file papers all day. And you can sure bet that beginning November 1st of that year I began my playlist of Christmas songs. I even bough a new Christmas album to kick off the season with.

So here's my own list of favorite Christmas songs. Most of these you have probably heard, but maybe some you've forgotten. Maybe there are a few surprises in there!

10. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

This song can only be sung by Frank Sinatra. Maybe that's why I like it so much. Christmas easy-listening at its best.

9. O Holy Night

Sung by Nat King Cole. This is the version I have on my iPod. I love it and will sometimes fall asleep to it. Absolutely the most special Christian song about our savior's birth.

8. Carol of the Bells

Tough call, where 'Carol of the Bells' really stands in my Top 10, but it will always be there. I couldn't find a good version with the lyrics, but I found this piano version to be beautiful all the same. And who doesn't love Home Alone's 'Carol of the Bells'? I made it my mission one year to learn all the lyrics to this song.

7. Linus and Lucy

One of the best parts of Christmas is when 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' airs on TV. It's my dad's favorite. And thought this song might be considered 'Christmas' enough, I still love it as a song for the holidays

6. The Little Drummer Boy

Sung by the Vienna Boys Choir is music to my ears. This was one of my first favorite Christmas songs.

5. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers

Not the best version, but I couldn't embed the original. I'm not sure whether I love the song or the animation more...

4. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

This song had me at the first lyrics:
Let nothing you dismay,
For Jesus Christ our Saviour
Was born upon this day,
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
3. Bring a Torch Jeannette, Isabella

This is a new favorite. My favorite version is Mannheim Steamroller's, but it's not on YouTube. I featured this video last year and I still love it. Look up the lyrics. They're beautiful.

2. The First Noel

Nat King Cole again. My second favorite Christmas song. And my first traditional Christmas song. I remember when I was younger, I got *NSYNC's Christmas album and played this song over and over. How embarrassing.

1. While You Were Sleeping

Absolutely my number 1. This song never fails to bring me to tears every. single. time.



  1. love all of these esp # 10!!!!! ;)

  2. I haven't been able to really listen to Christmas songs yet! I know it's early, but it's ALREADY the 8th of November!
