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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

He is the Doggie Treat of My Eye

This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!

Yes, Lu and I were working hard cleaning the apartment, why do you ask?

And this is the way our boy sleeps. BTW, those cats on the pillow had stuffing in them. Not anymore thanks to ol' Lu here. He ripped those kitties to shreds. I don't blame him.

I also found him today in the middle of pulling an old t-shirt of mine off a chair and snarling at it and rubbing his face into it. Lovely. And then he found a plastic hanger. Oh the joys.


  1. lol! awww, he looks so sad in the first picture! but really happy in the second. and, plus, you are really stylish. and your little family is so cute. ahh!

  2. He could basically let me throw him against a wall and it wouldn't phase him.
    I get pointers from my sister in the fashion area. I really have none and until recently, have been in an 'I-dress-like-a-Mom' rut.
    He gives us these patheticly sad looks.
    I wish he would take a decent picture. I promise he is very cute and doesn't look mangy or sad!
