So I've been asked, seriously or not I don't know, what I eat.
First of all, I'll let you know about my former eating habits. I wasn't the best eater when I was younger. I still struggle a bit today. But beginning early in life, meaning when I was a toddler, I was a sufferer of IBS.
Okay, are you done snickering yet? Trust me, IBS is a serious issue and is not summed up with a statement of "SHE CAN'T POOP!" IBS pretty much sums up a lot of different issues one can suffer from. Each person has different problems. Personally, I have to be very careful about what I eat because anything to greasy, fried, or meaty will hurt my stomach. I get stomach aches and am in and out of the bathroom all day. My doctors say that in my case, my stomach spasms and sends signals to my brain that put my intestines into overdrive, which causes my aches. I can eat so much as a Tootsie Roll and I will be hurting for the rest of the day.
I ate terribly as a child, snacking on salty and sugary foods and drinking sodas constantly. The only nutritious meal I got a day was dinner that Mom cooked, yet I normally only picked through it. I was basically scared of food because I didn't want the stomach spasms.
In high school, I was 5'5 and weighed between 100 and 105 lbs. I never ate and was slightly obsessed with my weight.
I went off to college and started eating a little better. Well, maybe not better, but at least I was eating more regularly. I ate lunch and dinner everyday. I never had breakfast, but I snacked throughout the day. I gained weight, which was good, because I really needed to. But then I gained more weight. My top weight was 135. Though that's not heavy by any means, I basically gained 30 lbs in 2 years. And it was mostly jiggly fat, no muscle. This is because I ate regularly, but ate Wendy's or McDonald's or KFC every single night. I was very unhealthy and knew it.
Around this time last summer, I decided I needed to lose weight and get healthy. It's been a hard road but of course it's worth it because I feel great most days and don't have IBS symptoms a lot, only a few times a month.
With all that said, here is what I eat:
-Lots of salads
-Broth soups, not creamy (black bean soup, spicy tortellini)
-Sandwiches (substituting the meat for beans sometimes)
-Fruit (strawberries, pineapple, raspberries, blueberries)
-Veggies (broccoli, sprouts, squash, shallots, eggplant, peas, green beans, corn)
-Cheese sticks
-Beans (black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo)
-Cous Cous
-Fish (flounder, salmon, tuna, white fish, swordfish)
-Wheat crackers (Triscuit, Wheat Thins)
-Nuts (almond, peanuts, walnuts)
-Other rices and grains
That is what a lot of my breakfasts and lunches are made of. Mom makes dinner and it lots of times has meat. That is perfectly fine with me. I don't care for chicken as much, but I like a steak every now and then and love fish. When I go to L's to get a sub sandwich, I get roast beef with lettuce and cucumbers. So meat is not out of the question, but I don't want it for every meal.
Now for a recipe!
Meaghan's Black Bean Garlic Basil Dip
1 Can Black Beans
1 TBL or more of good olive oil (you judge the amount)
1/2 TBL of garlic
Sprinkle of dried basil
1. Dump can of black beans into a food processor.
2. Drizzle olive oil over beans. You don't won't a thick paste for a dip, so just judge the amount to drizzle in. Just don't make the beans swim in oil.
3. Drop garlic into processor.
4. Sprinkle basil
5. Blend all together and put in sealable container.
Really simple huh? It's really good with Triscuits. And J likes it, so that says a lot.
There will be more recipes to come as I think of them!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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wow. gross. I just CAN'T eat that healthy! I lost 35lbs last year because I was on the Subway diet. I ate a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with nothin but veggies (no cheese or mayo or anything). Ta da!! I don't really like fish TOO much.. unless I guess maybe Red Lobster prepared it for me. And what in heaven's name is Quinoa?? Fruit is pretty tasty, but I *never* eat fruit. Ever!! but I do love veggies. I pretty much love them ALL.. except for beats & brussel sprouts aren't my fav, but I can deal. anyway, you are magnificent. wow. does J eat like this with you? or does he bring over McDonald's while you fix your healthy supper? :] you are so cool!!!
ReplyDeleteand I thought I had IBS too for a while. It's hereditary, and we are 98% sure that my mom and sister have it.. but they haven't been officially diagnosed. I used to have serious issues w/ my tummy when I was in jr high & high school, but I seem to have "grown out" of it since I got to college. Odd! But it is KIND of nice in a way, because now you eat healthy.. so that's one little perk.. I guess.. :]
Well that Subway diet really does work! Look at Jared! And I don't mean that in a funny way either! J really likes the food we cook from the Healthy Cooking magazine Mom gets from Kroger. The magazine is wonderful, I would highly recommend it. They have recipes like Tangy Shrimp Kabobs and Chocolate Orange Cake. All the recipes are really good for you, but you wouldn't know otherwise. They basically substitute skim milk where the regular recipe would call for buttermilk.
ReplyDeleteJ loves his hot wings, burgers, fries, hotdogs, and lunch meat though. Like, a lot. If it's fried and greasy, he'll want two!
I eat meatless meals for breakfast and lunch and we eat dinner together, so it's always meat or soup or a salad. He hates pasta though.
Beets and brussel sprouts and artichoke and asparagus..... I don't touch that stuff with 10 foot poles.
J's sister has celiac disease, so she is a vegetarian I am pretty sure. She is really really healthy and an avid runner. I actually get ideas from her blog for food ideas.
And quinoa is this type of grain that almost tastes a little like corn. It eats just like rice or cous cous and Mom makes a great all-in-one meal by cooking up quinoa, steak strips, grilled veggies, and topping it with stir fry sauce.
And I read that quinoa is a favorite of your MckMama!