I have always felt like a pretty fortunate person when it came to life in general. God has blessed me very much. I have not had to go through anything very challenging or any hardship that has been life altering. But I guess that is subjective. I see what J and his family have had to go through with the passing of his father, and I think of how I haven't had to deal with that kind of loss yet, but maybe there is some challenge in my life that others may look at and think of how brave I am.
Maybe someone will look at how I left PU. Basically, I couldn't stand being there without J, and my parents knew how upset I was, so they told me to drop out of PU and come back home. I would have never thought I would have been a college drop-out. Even if it was for only one semester. Maybe that isn't considered brave, but I think it took some guts to have to say goodbye to my friends and supervisors at PU. Bravery doesn't just mean that you have the balls to slay the dragon (sorry for the pun), but that you have the courage to stand up for yourself.
But as for bad things happening in my life... well... there hasn't been much. Yes, I'm sure at the time I thought it was just awful that a guy knew I liked him and didn't return the affection, or how embarrassing it was to be called out in class for talking. But of course, those things don't matter anymore. I have never experienced death, grief, loneliness, fear, or any other uncertainty the way other people have. I guess I have lived a pretty cushy life.
But at least I know how lucky God has made me. If I ever feel pain, it never fails that I will always think of how someone, somewhere has it much worse. If I ever complain that life isn't fair, I think of all the children around the world that are born into poverty. They don't have the same luxuries as you and me.
J and I have had discussions before about how life isn't always fair. He has talked about how it makes him sick to hear people talk about how miserable they are without their significant other. He always says he wishes he could tell them how lucky they are because his mother is now without her husband for the rest of her life. That's fair? So I will get on my soapbox really quickly and say that he is exactly right. It would do numerous people loads of good to think of how good they have it, even if situations in their life are not ideal. You miss your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? Quit whining!!! At least you will see them again!
But God gives us just as much as we can handle. I am comfortable in letting Him deal the cards.
Maybe I haven't had much hardship, but I have challenged myself in life to become a better person. My job at FL was a challenge and having a full-time job really taught me responsibility. Taking on my current job has taught me patience and really how to be chill. I try to find a lesson in everything I do. Much of my life has been different lessons on building character and coming out of my shell. I can see changes in myself (though they may be subtle to others) even with my current job. It was really taught me how to be comfortable with myself and to be slightly more easy-going.
NOTE: I don't really have a point to this post. I mostly felt like rambling and talking about something more 'blogworthy' than how my day went.
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