Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Things You Learn From Retail
But in all seriousness, I feel like I have benefited from working in retail. I have no problem striking up conversations with random people now. I feel it has helped my confidence and personality. I have also learned how to remain calm and put on a happy face.
I have also learned some bad things though. Like how clueless most people are. And how rude others can be. I guess I really did think that the world can't be that bad. But it is. People can sometimes get to you.
Again, I want to reiterate that I really like my job, but I always seem to have at least one story a night concerning a customer that seriously peeved me off. But I guess I am glad to an extent, at least I have interesting stories to tell.
So here are the main things I want you to learn from my experience working in the appliance department of retail.
1) For some reason, people think Food Network is the end all be all of kitchen tools. They see a certain gadget on a cooking show and have to have it.
"But Paula Dean uses a mesh strainer when she fries the ever-living daylights out of her okra!", they will yell.
"Yes, we have an excellent strainer by Hamilton Beach over here..."
"But that one's too meshy. Paula Dean's is more, ya know, more strainer-like."
Whatever that means. For the record, I really don't care for Paula Dean's products and I really hate Rachel Ray's, with the stupid signature orange handles. Blugh.
2) Please hear me out: We DO NOT carry banana peelers. The good Lord equipped you with two already. They are called your hands!
3) I have learned you can't please everyone, and that the world is very picky. We may very well have the hydrodynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments and turbo drive (LOL Spongebob fans) you are looking for at the best price you have seen, yet you will not buy it because you want to shop around. That's fair enough, but I hate that I could have been helping others out when you knew coming into the store you weren't buying today. Please tell me up front. And never say you will be back. Because no, you won't.
4) Money is very dirty.
5) And so are children. Thanks for sneezing on the cookie racks kids! And please parents, don't allow your teething baby to suck on that silicone spatula, even if you plan on buying. You have no idea that the last person who touched it dropped it on the floor and then picked it up with the same hand that just wiped their runny nose. And I am not lying one bit. Everything in retail should be sanitized daily.
6) I have learned to be more courteous to salespeople when I go into a store. Upbeat and happy people I check out in my store really put me in a good mood, and I know that other customers can be rude.
7) And there's something right there. Don't EVER be rude to the person behind the register. You know the horror stories warning you to never be an ass to your waiter because they will spit in your food? You can also read warnings about cashiers basically doing the same thing to you except, you know, with your debit card!
Granted, the culprit who wreaked havoc on your bank account can be found very quickly and easily and will be F-I-R-E-D, but that doesn't take away from the fact they were able to get your information.
And another thing. If at all possible, never pay with a check. I'm not sure of the whole story, but a guy my dad works with is a CPA and he says that he never pays for anything with a check because of the amount of personal info on that little piece of paper. Scared me to death. I never pay with check, ever.
8) Never ask my opinion of which product to buy. I will always tell you the most expensive is the best.
9) Please say "Thank you" after I show you where an item is in the store. It makes for an awkward situation because I don't know whether you still need me or not.
10) And lastly, we ask for your zip code for marketing purposes, such as where most of our customers are coming from. I, as a cashier, don't give a rats where you call home, I just need to type it in to the computer. Please do not give me a sour look and tell me no, I cannot have your zip code. Puh-lease. You are not the only one to live in that area, I swear. Also, please don't tell me that I don't need your zip code because you are just buying something. As is everyone else at the register, you dummy. And, please don't refuse and then hand me a check and your driver's license with your name, telephone number, street address, and ZIP CODE. Oh yeah, and your bank account number at the bottom of the check. Some people are real winners, let me tell you.
Just be nice to people and treat others as you want to be. Don't throw your money at me and expect me to not throw your change back at you. Everyone, including myself, sometimes forgets that the people serving us are humans too and don't appreciate being yelled at.
I almost think it should be required to work with the public at least once in your life. It changes your perception of others, for the better, mostly.
I just needed to write this post and I hope that if someone reads it and realizes they have not been so nice to those salespeople, that they will change.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I Just Dear John'ed School
Yes, I don't need to make any introductions. We've known each other for almost 16 years. And it's been a love-hate kind of relationship, let's not lie.
We've had some great times. Do you remember making green goo in 2nd grade? That was fun. And do you also remember when I played General Robert E. Lee (granted, yes, I am a girl) in 7th grade for a movie by our History class? That was an awesome time. And do you remember those fun Thursday nights at PU that I will say no more about? Had a blast.
But we've also had some bad times. Do you remember getting in trouble in 2nd grade for giving a boy the middle finger? Yes, I do. Do you also remember how embarrassing it was to have to dance with boys during PE in middle school? I remember the pain. And do you remember those long art assignments at PU when I would work until 3 in the morning? I halfway do.
See, the thing is School, even though we've had some good times, I think we have been a little too close lately. There's been too much 'together-ness'. I feel like I am suffocating in this relationship. I'm really sorry that I have to do this, but I think we need to see other people.
I need to be truthful and tell you that I have been seeing Weekends on and off throughout the year and that in a few weeks, I plan to go out with Summer Break. I really hate to do this, but I think it will be better for our relationship. You've been getting on my nerves lately and I need some space. Please don't beat yourself up over it, even though it's definitely not me, it's you.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
That Ain't No Woolly Mammoth! That's a Naked Elephant!
I always feel so smart when I watch National Geographic. This time it was the special on the baby woolly mammoth that was found that is being called Lyuba. Those computer generated mammoths were so cute!
That summer feeling has started to take hold of me! I need to be careful that I don't seriously slack off. But I am normally killing myself from too much studying around this time of year, so I know I'll be alright. Finals are coming up in 3 weeks and I know I will be ready because of all my non-stop painful studying I will be doing.
And then I get to do it all over again during summer school. But I digress.
I'm mostly looking to get through these next two weeks of school and work. Work is going to be a major pain in my butt these next few. Being scheduled for multiple (meaning 4) weekends in a row is great! Thanks C! I really appreciate it! I guess I really didn't make it evident that I do have other things to do in life besides for selling Oneida products.
Does it seem like I complain about work a lot? Maybe it's just that I feel like I work with people who can sometimes be pretty incompetent. Boss has been really great lately though. I hope she sees that I am really trying and that I am learning more about the company. I've been feeling better about my performance at work in the past 2 weeks
I think I am going to start this week off right and go to sleep after reading a bit from HP1. Yeah...I'm all the way at the beginning! I'm glad to soon be getting more free time to read and do things I really want. I'm sure summer school will be pretty low-key considering it is online. And this summer I can be making the big bucks (yeah right) to pay for books for next semester!!! How lucky I am.
But really, I am. I need to remember that more often. Things aren't that bad and I need to be thankful that I have things to keep me occupied. And that I have good things to be worried about, like school. At least I am not worrying about a sick family member or a loved one overseas. I'll count my blessings.
And as Mom always says: "This too shall pass."
Friday, April 24, 2009
Squirrel Food
I eat this:
What is it, you ask? It is quinoa, black beans, feta, and peppers lightly drizzled in a garlic dressing with strawberries and water.
Here's a close-up:
How do you make such a wonderful meal? Well, with time, that's how. This is not a super-quick lunch, but it's not going to take you hours either.
1. Start off with some quinoa grains. Don't be scared of them. Just read the directions on the box to cook them. Just make sure to rinse them in cold water before you boil them!
2. Open a can of black beans and drain. And don't be putting an entire can into your meal unless you want to be called Mr./Ms. Fart-A-Lot.
3. Sprinkle some black beans and feta cheese onto the quinoa. Add veggies, fruits, whatever good-for-you items you find in the fridge. Drizzle with your favorite oil-based dressing. But use it sparingly. The point is to not rack up so many calories. That's what the cheese is for. You want minimal calories with a meal, but it should have a lot of fiber to keep you full.
All of this takes about 20 minutes to prepare.
If you've never had quinoa, don't be alarmed the first time you open the package. It will look weird. And the taste is a bit corny, but if it is cooked right, it will not be crunchy like corn.
If you really need a meat with this meal, substitute tuna or salmon bits for the black beans. It will taste pretty good that way too. I just choose more earthy kinds of foods when I cook though.
Now that I had lunch, I am feeling great! J and I may go on a bike ride later or just do something outside considering how pretty it is!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
She Hates It
I love my furry sister so much! For being such a patient and calm girl while we washed her, she got two goodies. Lucky her!
Not much is going on in life right now. I am semi-busy with school, but paired with work, I am pretty well busy. I don't know how people are so swamped with schoolwork near finals. Maybe I always get lucky with my pick of teachers, but I have never been so overwhelmed with school that I am about to drop. Unlike most people I guess. I will count my blessings then.
Oh, and for Things I Love Thursday....
I LOVE Lorena Siminovich. Her art is amazing and you should really check her out. Her website to buy her work is Petit Collage. I was given the Owl On Tree canvas print for my birthday. Such a wonderful, whimsical gift. This is my kind of art!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Doctor Doctor
Wednesday J and I are going to do something fun since I don't have class in the morning! You'll see pictures on Wednesday hopefully. And maybe on another website you will see a picture. But you will have to wait and see. Exciting, I know.
So ready for school to be out. I know that is the story of every college kids life, but I really mean it.
Sick. Sick. Sick. Dr. P, I think your favorite patient is coming to see you soon...
Just 10
Sunday, April 19, 2009
One For One
TOMS shoes. Heard of them? If not, why are you so out of the loop?
I''ll give you a little history of the company and the shoe. If you want, you can go to the official website here. And also if you want, you can get some condensed info on Wikipedia here. Or you can just rely on me.
TOMS is a shoe company headquartered in California. The shoes are modeled after the alpargata shoe. The shoes come in different designs from regularly dyed canvas, to tie-dyed, to sparkly (which I have).
Blake Mycoskie (seen previously on Amazing Race) was vacationing in Argentina when he came up with the idea for the company. He noticed the many village children with no shoes.
TOMS shoes donates one pair of shoes to a needy child for every pair of TOMS shoes sold.
One for One.
Such a powerful concept. One for One. The company had a goal of 30,000 shoes donated to impoverished children in Ethiopia for the past holiday season. They by far surpassed that goal. TOMS had over 37,000 shoes to take to their shoe drop. I am so happy to think that a needy child now has shoes to wear because if me. It has truly been one of the best purchases of my life.
It's a wonderful company that has a wonderful cause. And it's just an added bonus for me that the shoes are made of canvas or vegan materials.
I really encourage everyone to take a look into these shoes, especially with the summer season coming up soon. They are a good alternative to sandals.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I'm gonna be boring tonight. I am super tired from shopping this morning with J, cleaning Baby, and going to work. I was only there for 3 hours, but it was so tiring! And I get to spend 5 1/2 hours there tomorrow! Yay...
I guess I really am growing up. My life consists of school, work, home. School, work, home. Fun, funner, funnest. The only thing missing is a big wrinkle on my forehead from worrying about rent, utilities, and grocery bills.
If you want something a little more interesting, go over to Baby's blog and read her post about her birthday. It's coming pretty late because of everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks.
Only a few more weeks of school and then I am free.......until summer school! Yes. Can't wait.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Let's Get Some Shoes
I mean, I am pretty well satisfied with my purse collection. Like, I love the patent red leather one J got me two Christmases ago. It is so pretty and I always get compliments. And the awesome Florentine Vacchetta leather bag I got for my birthday is my go-to bag. Perfect dark brown leather and just lovely.
I like my clothes for the most part. You can get some good cheap finds for basics at Forever 21, American Eagle, and Target. Then I can go to New York and Co or Gap and find some pretty clothes to wear at work. For every day, I love mixing basics and something original from Anthropologie. Oh, am I in love or what? I still want to find something special to wear for K's graduation. I have been staking out Anthro's website everyday to see when new things come in.
And don't even get me started about J.Crew and Gilt. Love!
But shoes. Not happy. I bought a pair of Uggs last winter and they were the best buy I have ever made, besides for the Marc Jacobs heels I bought to wear for senior prom. And for my cousin's rehearsal dinner last November. Those are special shoes. I can't live without my Rainbows. Kentuckians obviously have no clue about Rainbows and their magical sandal-ness. And Mom bought me a pair of Coach sneakers at Green Hills earlier this year. They are so fabulous and pink. But I still need more!! Shoes and jewelry make the outfit, but shoes are harder to buy on a whim. Before work today, I bought two great necklaces from NYC. But I was really looking for these. Awesome, I know. I am a summer girl, and I live in my sandals, but I could always use these. They have sandal bottoms after all.
I am all about animal print. I love zebra. And I love giraffe. I have a fabulous duffel that I take whenever there is a reason to pack. ZGallerie is awesome. There is one at Green Hills. I wonder if I could register there??
And one last thing I want (haha). I told J that can be my wedding gift from him. That's all I ask. I loved the eye roll I got from him. LOVE YOU BOO!
Excited for shopping tomorrow! I can't get enough.
Just rambling. Sorry.
I have some of Granddaddy's old ties. I am wondering how I can incorporate them into the wardrobe . Any suggestions would be helpful. I miss you Granddaddy!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Normal life
We left for NC last Friday. J, K, and I got to Mamaw and Papaw's around midnight. I slept well. We had to leave on Friday and not Saturday morning because we wanted to view the body.
It didn't look like Granddaddy. But then, it kind of did. I stared at him for a good while before I started crying. I think it still hasn't sunk in yet. Or maybe it did 2 years ago when his Dementia symptoms worsened.
He was cremated on Easter. I think that was perfect.
The memorial service was nice. I didn't really cry. I didn't have the emotions or the energy to by that time. I was sitting right in front of his picture, and I just kept staring at it. The only time my eyes teared up was when the preacher said something about Granddaddy loving his grandchildren. At that moment, I had never missed anyone more in my life.
Grandma gave me his binoculars and I took a few ties. J wore one of them to the memorial.
They brought the urn over to the house after the service. It is a beautiful cherry wood box. Grandma sat it on her dresser with pictures of Granddaddy around it. I patted the box and blew it a kiss.
I miss you!
Normal life is a daze. I think I have been a bit sluggish since we got back home.
Today was better. There were more classes to occupy my time and J and I went out for sushi. I feel sick. I just want to go to bed.
But I don't mean to make life sound so down. It is alright, just hard to get going again.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
He called me Poison Ivy Part 3
These are some of the best pictures I have been able to find so far. These are back from a time when going to Grandma's house meant playing with TinkerToys until Granddaddy came how from work as a VP of HyrdaLabs. Did you know that Granddaddy and his cousin patented the first formula of tooth whitening formula?
My Granddaddy was so smart (he went to NCSU for textile chemistry), he was very brave (he was in the Navy), and very well traveled.
We can't be too sad. He lived such a fulfilling life. I don't think he would have had life any other way.

He called me Poison Ivy Part 2
This is my granddaddy.
He called me Poison Ivy
Granddaddy passed away at 7:30 this morning.
Mom got the call this morning. Uncle M and Cousin E stayed the night with him and they woke up and saw Granddaddy wasn't breathing. Grandma checked him, then went to her room and made her bed.
She called Mom and told her that today is a beautiful day; so nice outside. My grandmother is so strong and I find it funny that up until the end, she has kept on with her life by making her bed and cleaning up a bit. She has accepted what has happened to Granddaddy and I respect her so much.
I didn't get to see Granddaddy, but I think he didn't want us to see him in that state.
I walked outside this morning and looked up at the sky and I know Granddaddy was looking down on me. I blew him a kiss and told him I would see him soon.
We love you Granddaddy!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Granddaddy doesn't have much time.
The hospice nurses said he has a few hours to a day or so left. He is in a semi-coma and is not responding to anything.
I won't get to see him again.
I'm sorry I never came back like I promised Granddaddy. I love you.
I don't know if I will ever be able to cope with the thought that the last time I saw you was a year ago. I miss you.
Grandma told Mom that she is at peace and that Granddaddy is too. I hope that you take him peacefully Lord.
What God deals us
Maybe someone will look at how I left PU. Basically, I couldn't stand being there without J, and my parents knew how upset I was, so they told me to drop out of PU and come back home. I would have never thought I would have been a college drop-out. Even if it was for only one semester. Maybe that isn't considered brave, but I think it took some guts to have to say goodbye to my friends and supervisors at PU. Bravery doesn't just mean that you have the balls to slay the dragon (sorry for the pun), but that you have the courage to stand up for yourself.
But as for bad things happening in my life... well... there hasn't been much. Yes, I'm sure at the time I thought it was just awful that a guy knew I liked him and didn't return the affection, or how embarrassing it was to be called out in class for talking. But of course, those things don't matter anymore. I have never experienced death, grief, loneliness, fear, or any other uncertainty the way other people have. I guess I have lived a pretty cushy life.
But at least I know how lucky God has made me. If I ever feel pain, it never fails that I will always think of how someone, somewhere has it much worse. If I ever complain that life isn't fair, I think of all the children around the world that are born into poverty. They don't have the same luxuries as you and me.
J and I have had discussions before about how life isn't always fair. He has talked about how it makes him sick to hear people talk about how miserable they are without their significant other. He always says he wishes he could tell them how lucky they are because his mother is now without her husband for the rest of her life. That's fair? So I will get on my soapbox really quickly and say that he is exactly right. It would do numerous people loads of good to think of how good they have it, even if situations in their life are not ideal. You miss your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? Quit whining!!! At least you will see them again!
But God gives us just as much as we can handle. I am comfortable in letting Him deal the cards.
Maybe I haven't had much hardship, but I have challenged myself in life to become a better person. My job at FL was a challenge and having a full-time job really taught me responsibility. Taking on my current job has taught me patience and really how to be chill. I try to find a lesson in everything I do. Much of my life has been different lessons on building character and coming out of my shell. I can see changes in myself (though they may be subtle to others) even with my current job. It was really taught me how to be comfortable with myself and to be slightly more easy-going.
NOTE: I don't really have a point to this post. I mostly felt like rambling and talking about something more 'blogworthy' than how my day went.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sweeeeet weekend!
I haven't really been all that productive, in terms of school. I have a test coming up on Tuesday and I have looked over the material a little bit today, but later on tonight I am hoping to really get started. I'll say it again - I am not really a procrastinator, but I cannot study for a test much in advance.
I didn't have to work today because S said she would work for me. I was so grateful, because while I like getting money, I don't really like working retail all that much. But I want to keep the job until something better comes along. Which means until after I graduate, I guess.
I don't have to work tomorrow either, so it's study time for me, but in the afternoon, I will be out shopping again as I was this afternoon with the family. We went out to find some dress clothes for the inevitable funeral that will come for Granddaddy. We are not 'wishing' him to the grave by doing that, as C so nicely put it. But we know his health is going downhill so fast that we are in spot where we are needing to be able to leave at the drop of a hat. We just want to be prepared. I am going to have to go out again tomorrow to find something to wear because I couldn't find anything today. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a decent black dress where I live! It is so aggravating and put me in such a bad mood.
We had my favorite for dinner tonight - Surf and Turf. J grilled out steak and shrimp, and it was wonderful with mashed potatoes! Yes, I am eating healthier and everything, but since I would consider myself a sort of 'flexitarian', I don't feel bad eating meat.
After dinner, J and I made chocolate chip cookies, and they are so messy! But aren't homemade choco chips always that way?
I guess I forgot to tell everyone, but I got my hair cut! I don't know how many inches came off, but there was a lot of hair on the floor when Ky was done. It rests above my shoulders and is all one length. I love how simple and 'geometric' it is. I feel like I could wear some pretty wild outfits, or maybe all black, and get away with it because frankly, I think my hair is a bit 'artsy'. And we all know that's what I love at heart.
That has pretty much summed up my weekend, besides for the times I was at work. Ever since B cut back my hours, I have enjoyed work a lot more. And she hired a new girl, and she is about 20 years old. I am so excited to have someone my own age. I just worry that the girl will show me up or something - be a better worker, I mean. So I need to really step it up. I am 3rd key for a reason.
Good work story: A woman and her family (huge family) come into the store and are looking around. She calls to me and asks whether our pizza pans are on sale. I told her no, I didn't believe we were having a sale on any pizza products at this time. She had an accent, so I didn't really understand her. I had to run up to the counter to ring up some other customers. A few minutes later, she brought the pizza pan up to the counter, and says "Are you sure you can't give me a 10% discount?" I was shocked! I told her that I couldn't. She then said "Well, your manager gave me one last time I was here." I asked "B gave you one?" And she nodded. I told her that I did not know of any discount that I can give; that I was not of authority to give her one just because. I also told her that unfortunately, the manager was out today. She told me to call B and ask for the discount. I told her no, I was not calling B on her day off. She then said "Well you could try." By the way, this was a $9.99 pizza pan, meaning she would have gotten about a dollar off and would still be paying over $9 for the pan. I ignored her and told her "That'll be 10.59." And she said "Are you sure you can't call your manager? You could try." I again told her no. I then asked her whether she still wanted the pan or not because I wasn't going to give her a discount. She said she would still buy it, but I "could still try" to call B. What a bitch! I called C to see whether I handled the situation alright; whether there was something else I could have said. She said what I did was fine. We get a lot of wonderful people who come into our store, so this was a huge oddity for us. Now, I am a very open-minded person, so I will not describe the woman asking for a discount, other than that she was probably born into a foreign culture where you haggle prices. I'm not trying to be a red-blooded American by saying this, but here in the US, we don't do that. Learn how our system works. I say that more so because I am not getting in trouble for giving someone an undeserved discount than anything else.
Whoo! What a ramble! Sorry, but I was just shocked about that situation. Hopefully I won't deal with that again. And hopefully she will come into the store again sometime and not ask for a discount because she knows I won't give her one.
Friday, April 3, 2009
We're all being productive
Too bad there is no sound on the video. I'm telling Baby that we're not going anywhere and how cute she is.
Isn't she?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Today I miss my grandfather
I remember shiny silverware and a Lazy Susan. I would always wake up to clinking glasses. Grandma would fix me toast with peanut butter and Granddaddy would always pour my milk and bring me utensils. Then he would smile as I snuck some sugar from the Lazy Susan to sprinkle on my toast.
I remember birdseed. I loved running my fingers through the large barrel of bird feed. I see all the tools in the garage and where the wagon was parked, just waiting for a grandchild to jump on.
Granddaddy, I know you don't remember anymore. It mostly makes me sad to see how you don't know how loved you are or how much you loved me.
I last saw you almost a year ago. I told you I would be back soon to see you and I loved you. I actually wondered whether I would get to see you again. I feel like I abandoned you. I love you so much and I had every intention of seeing you again. Now unfortunately, I will never be able to see you again. Maybe that's for the best. I wouldn't want to see you so weak in the condition you are in. I want that last memory of you to be happy. You waving to me out the front door. After I left, I'm sure you told Grandma how glad you were to see me.
But I know that someday, when I am much older, I will look back at photos of us together, look up to heaven and whisper, "Do you remember this Granddaddy?" and I will hear - for the first time in a long time - "Yes baby. I remember."