This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
Don't read this thinking you'll gain some new brilliant insight into how to get rich. Because Jarred and I are anything but.
I'd like to think Jarred and I do save a lot of money by knowing what to buy and when. Or whether we should buy at all. With new bills coming in, like car insurance, we're going to be needing to ct back even further. But we can do it!
We buy generic. Everything. Our grocery store sells cans of tomato soup for 46 cents. Campbell's Tomato Soup sells for something over a dollar. I don't even really look at the price because I choke when I see it. All I have to see is the number 1 before the decimal place to know that the can of soup has no place in our shopping cart.
We eat leftovers. I try as best I can to cook for 2 people. But there's normally a little food left over. Jarred has been taking Banquet frozen dinners into work for almost a year and he told me yesterday that he was getting tired of them. So I told him that he could start eating the leftovers, which has been my job up until today. He took in some red beans and rice leftover from Monday's dinner and tomorrow he's having tacos.
Now what do I have for lunch? Mostly peanut butter sandwiches. And grilled cheese. Sometimes salads. Sometimes soups. That's where our cheap shopping comes in handy. That 46 cent chicken noodle soup? That's my lunch!
3. We go grocery shopping together. This is mostly because Jarred has the checkbook, but I also like going together because we keep each other in check. I want some Oreos, Jarred asks me if we really need them. So the Oreos get put back on the shelf. Yeah, it sucks at first, but I don't really miss the snacks once we get home. We look at prices together and compare. It may take us awhile, but at least we're really aware of what we're bringing home to eat.
We don't go out to eat or to the movies. I love eating out at restaurants, but it's so expensive. Honestly, I about threw a hissy fit when I figured out that a double cheeseburger from McDonald's Dollar Menu wasn't actually a dollar. It's called the Value Menu now. $1.29 now. I don't go to McDonald's now.
If we get coupons or gift certificates to a restaurant, then we'll occassionally go. A sandwich/pizza shop in town offers $10 off you next order when you order online. Too bad I can't find the gift certificate to actually use it...
I'm sure everyone's heard of redbox. We will sometimes get a movie from the kiosk and take it back home for a movie night. But even better? We will play video games with each other or just watch TV. Our days are hectic and relaxing at the end of the day is great!
We take advantage of coupons and special offers. Sometimes Jarred's employer has discounts of basketball or football games, so we'll take advantage of those. The first semester after Jarred had moved out here, we bought season tickets to football games. While we didn't go to all of the games, we made sure to go to enough to get our money's worth!
For the ladies, here's a great offer! I sometimes like to shop at Victoria's Secret -- yes, they've got more than just underthings! I gave them my mailing address and now every month or so, I get coupons for free underwear. Yup. FREE. There's no catch to it really. I mean, the company is hoping you'll come into the store and pick up the free gift but then also purchase other things. But not me. Just the free gift thanks.
We don't shop. Jarred and I both have our certain things that we like to buy. For me, it's makeup and clothes and shoes. For Jarred, it's cigars. I see things at the mall that I'd love to have. But by the time I'm back home, I've forgotten about them. And frankly, I don't need clothes right now. I may want to get a sweater or 2 for the colder months, but if I don't, I'll survive. It's a good thing that Jarred and I both have lots of clothes. Frankly, unless one of us gained some serious weight, we'll probably keep these clothes for a while. Even if we lost weight. My pants could always be looser, right?
We don't spend money unless necessary. This is the one that counts the most. I'd love to get a new t-shirt for an upcoming football game. But do I really need it? No. I'll find something else to wear and it won't be the end of the world. I guess if you don't have money to spend, then you won't. I know, I know. Some people still do. But we don't!