As much as I have talked about the wedding on this blog and in real life, it hasn't felt real. I had yet to have a moment of "Oh my gosh! I'm getting married!" before today. I didn't feel it when I saw myself in the mirror with my dress and veil on. I didn't feel it when I went to the baker's to order my cake. I didn't feel it when Jarred booked the honeymoon.
But I finally had a moment today. And it came in a really unsuspecting place.
Jarred and I went to a retirement party tonight for 3 people that Jarred works with and people who I got to know when I temped at the same office over a year ago. It was nice seeing these people again after so long. They are all so nice and many congratulated us on our impending wedding.
But I finally had 'that moment' as we went to say goodbye to one of the retirees, who was also my boss when I temped. She congratulated us again and then, strangely, began crying. She said she knows we are going to have a very long, happy life together and she wishes us all the best because we are both wonderful people who found each other.
I tried really hard not to cry and Jarred can deny all he wants, but I know it choked him up as well.
I finally had my moment of "Wow! We're getting married!" and I'd like to thank the wonderful Mrs. B for giving it to me. Jarred and I get congratulations a lot, but we have yet to receive comments about how we're going to have a long happy life together and it's just beginning. I looked at Mrs. B with her husband and thought about what her wedding might have been like, many years ago. Now, she's on the verge of retirement where she and her husband get to spend however many of their last years together. They've been through a wedding, babies, children growing up and leaving home, and now, retirement. Crazy crazy to think Jarred and I will be there someday. And probably quicker than we would like.
We're getting married!