This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
Well, obviously a lot has gone down in my world as of late
Putting it lightly.
The past few days have been mostly talk of wedding when and where, but no more details than that.
We have decided to get married August 14, 2010. That's roughly two weeks before I head back to school, so we can go on a honeymoon and come back home and get settled back into normal life.
Our colors are a leaf green and a buttercup yellow. Different from just plain green and yellow. It's a summer wedding, so I want the colors to be bright and charming.
And we have picked a ceremony venue and have already gotten a preliminary book on the date.
I went to Barnes and Noble before work on the 24th and bought myself an organizer and a magazine. They have been very helpful so far!
Obviously I have nothing to do except plan right now since I'm not in school. But come early January, I hit the books again and things will slow down somewhat. We've got a little over 7 months, and I am realizing how much there is to do, so I don't feel stupid or weird already planning and booking.
This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
For my birthday, I got...
Something fuzzy
Something smelly
Something pretty
And something sparkly
I wanted to announce first on Blogger that as of December 23rd, 2009, Jarred and I are officially engaged!
We went to a little restaurant downtown with my parents, sister, and her boyfriend. After we ate, Mom wanted to take pictures of us under the Christmas lights. Katherine and Zach took pictures first, then Mom and Dad. Jarred and I took a few pictures under the archway.
I began to walk away and Jarred called for my mother to take one more photo. He reached his hand into his pocket, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. :)
I didn't answer him right away because I was in absolute shock and I was crying so hard, like hyperventilating. I believe my father called out "What's the answer?" and I finally was able to gather myself enough to say yes.
We both cried and Mom took runny, red-nosed photos.
Jarred and I went to look at engagement rings on Halloween. We went to a few different stores, but then saw mine as we walked back through Zales. I thought the ring was so beautiful and after we left the store, I cried a little bit to Jarred because I knew that was the one.
He went out with my Dad the following Monday and purchased the ring.
Jarred told me he was planning on waiting until our 3 year anniversary (in March 2010) to propose. But when he went downtown for a cigar show last week and saw all the beautiful lights, he knew he wanted to propose then.
We are so happy and of course haven't begun to plan anything yet. But we threw out ideas last night that we want to get married in the next year. I don't want a very long engagement (I mean like a year or longer). My parents were engaged for around 9 months and I'd love to get married in late summer, early fall.
This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
I believe it's high time I posted, don't you?
It's been roughly a week and a half since I last left, but it feels like much longer to me. I know I should update more often, and normally, I do. But there's these finals things and work late things that get in the way!
I haven't gotten completely well from having a cold/bronchitis 2 weeks ago. Jarred and I are both feeling rather ill today. But I got to sleep in for a little bit this morning. I had a final at 10:30 and slept until 9. I haven't gotten to do that in an entire 2 weeks. Maybe that's why I'm still fighting sick. At least Lucas is well and kickin'. Though lazy. He's sitting in the fluffy green chair beside me. He's been with us for over a month and he's just now found places he really likes, such as this chair. He also likes to hide in our closet, but on Jarred's side. Maybe because there aren't as many shoes piled up!
We're halfway through December and it still doesn't feel like Christmas to me. I've been too busy to enjoy anything I believe. Once finals are over, I may have a bit more time to relax. I will be working the same amount of hours, but eliminating a good 30-40 hours of school stress (it IS a full-time job in itself you know!) will really help me get in the spirit.
I was studying for a final I have on Wednesday earlier tonight and decide to unwind a little by listening to holiday music. Of all the songs I have, there are always clear favorites.
Here is a wonderful rendition of Bring a Torch Jeanette, Isabella by Gregg Miner.
I think it is a beautiful song and the lyrics are equally nice:
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella!
Bring a torch, come swiftly and run!
Christ is born. Tell the folk of the village
Jesus is born and Mary's calling.
Ah!* Ah! beautiful is the Mother!
Ah! Ah! beautiful is her son!
It is wrong when the Baby is sleeping,
It is wrong to speak so loud.
Silence, now as you gather around,
Lest your noise should waken Jesus.
Hush! Hush! see how the Baby slumbers;
Hush! Hush! see how the Baby sleeps!
Softly now unto the stable,
Softly for a moment come!
Look and see how charming is Jesus,
Look at him there, His cheeks are rosy!
Hush! Hush! see how the Child is sleeping;
Hush! Hush! see how he smiles in dreams!
And I also have a favorite contemporary Christmas song. I have stated it before in a post early in my blogging days. It's Casting Crowns "While You Were Sleeping". I don't actually listen to a lot of Christian artists, but I do know who these guys are for sure! Here is a video a YouTube member created. There's no official video for this song, which is disappointing.
I really hope you take the time to listen to the lyrics.
I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit. We are almost 10 days away. Time does surely fly, does it not? It may be interesting to me only, but as soon as I think time cannot go any slower and that life is going nowhere, it does.
Thanks God for showing me it can be all roses, even when you think life sucks.
I am wanting to get the Doggie Blog up and running again. I haven't posted since March. Baby is giving Lucas the rights to the blog since he's living with us. Lucas has a pretty interesting life, that's for sure.
This post was first featured on my now defunct blog, M&J Hooray!
There is no sound on my camera, but for this video, none is needed. His expression says everything.
Background: I came home from work sick tonight and before I could unlock the door, Jarred swung it open and Lucas was sitting next to the GlowBoard, which was flashing the funny picture. My first reaction was literally, "OMG, where did he poopie???"
But he didn't. So Daddy was trying to get Lucas in trouble with me on purpose!
By day I'm an artist who loves all things charcoal, Van Gogh, and Sandy Skoglund along with a heaping plate of minimalism. By night I play wife to Jarred and Mama to a 9 year-old Schnauzer named Louie.
I enjoy cooking, crafts, and drawing, as well as collecting candles and nail polish.
This blog is a diary of my daily life with a smattering of tutorials and amateur Photoshopping.
I love sharing my thoughts and experiences through portraits and prose.